This is so me.
In the last 4 months I've been ( assiduously!! )part of two other sites completely unconnected with Aspergers, and right from the start I had people saying that they felt as if they were reading some obscure psychology textbook, and being astonished and impressed by my openness and honesty, but asking that I put things in words of one syllable , so that people would not be put off, and also ,paradoxically, some people thinking that I couldn't possibly be what or who I said I was because of how I wrote.
Managed to overcome all this , with perseveration and adaption of my style and joining in with the fluff threads etc. Also arranging a meet with a few of them in a safe space put remaining suspicions to death , and I even began to feel had friendships developing.
But then two things became clear.
One, which a moderator kindly ( perhaps rather patronisingly)if clumsily connected up with my ref to mild aspergers on my profile , was my tendency to take word use very literally, and consequently have fundamental problems ( and therefore heated discussions about, because my questions got every body else worked up and defensive ) around words with meanings ,( by definition , because of their very use in our society!!), EXTREMELY open to interpretation, like "ID" , and "dresscode formal" etc. Unfortunately the mods explanation for this being perhaps because of my aspergers meant two very interesting discussions about these things got dropped, cos obviously it was just my personal handicap which had trouble with these words!!
Two ,that I take what people say very seriously, engage deeply with that... only to suddenly be told " it's only a word" or " if people want to label themselves so what"..or not to take things so literally, or " we were just having a bit of fun"..etc.
And I realise this has caused me problems many many times in my life; the time and energy I put into understanding , or respecting, or simply believing ,what people say to me only to discover they might as well have been whistling. That content is less important than the sheer act of opening mouth and making sounds ( or on internet, typing something/anything), whereas I prioritise the content.
I just tend to believe people mean what they say, and although like someone else on here says, this has not resulted my being" taken in" as such , it has misled me over and over again.
In fact this has been pretty miserable experience , which I'm hoping won't have on here!! !!