So, this explains why I have to rip my boyfriend out of his jeans and why he doesn’t always shower before work (“I took one last night”).
This is totally skeevie to an NT.
Ok someone mentioned you cannot smell your smell. This is true. Clean up! Wash, brush, and for the love of Goddess, don’t sleep in your clothes, you can smell sleep! So homeless.
I don’t know where tradition of changing came from, as mentioned, back in the Little House on the Prairie days it was normal to wear the same thing everyday. Who had funds for threads when you had to feed a family of five.
Now, wearing clothing day after day vs washing every time you wear are two different stories. I don’t wash my jeans often as I like the soft worn feel. I let it go maybe 5 wears as long as I did not spill on them. Since I shower in the morning and don’t sweat at wrok, I save my sweaters and especially dry cleanables for a few wears. I change after work so it is not like I spend 15 hours in the same outfit.
Obviously underwear is a must to never do twice. I had a friend once who would turn them inside out and wear twice. Eww. That means the stank was on the outside.
Even if you wear the same outfit washed and cleaned day after day, it is like the Seinfeld episode where the girl wore the same dress. People wonder why. It’s not about clean, it is (for an NT) variety. All my clothing is soft and comfortable or I wouldn’t own it. So, go to clearance at the end of each season, stock up on soft yummy clothing and change it up.
A favorite outfit is just that, it is not a uniform. I am not criticizing the rational behind it (being cozy, saving water), but there are “appearances” one must keep in this odd society. Sense vs gluttony. NTs notice and will treat you like an outcast if you do not conform, even if conformity makes no sense. So, the little actions that make no sense (like changing your clothes even if not washed) make you more like them, which makes them comfortable because NTs are very uncomfortable around differences.
This applies mostly to work. Home life is up to you. Dating, be careful.
Also, I will sop picking up his scattered laundry off the floor that he is saving for later. Hey, it saves water…
Dogs Drool, Cats RULE!! !