What form is it? I write blog on Internet. I have even bought my own domain. Although I have two blogs, one in my native language and one in English, I focus more on the former, because there I have several regular readers and people don't seem to read the one in English, at least no one leaves a comment.
What sorts of things do you write about? I just describe the things that happened to me. As living abroad, some funny stuff happens a lot and I always try to write everything in a funny way.
How well do you keep your journal? Only when something actually happens, so It can be every week one entry, or every month.
Who are you writing your journal for? I guess mostly for myself, although I am an exhibicionist, so I like to go public. Several people told me that I should publish it, maybe few years from now I will think about it.
Why do you keep a journal? When you go to visit a new country, you do photos I am sure. I like to make photos of my trips and write about them too. I am writing about my life abroad for the same reason why people make photos when abroad.
Timeo hominem unius libri, I fear the man of one book, St. Thomas Aquinas.