lasirena wrote:
Paolo, may I ask you a question. What is the meaning to having Pheonix- a bird that burns itself and is reborn from the ashes- posted under your username?
That's an incidental, a WP-conferred title (names of birds & other creatures), based on number of posts. At 1,000, one can select custom rank.
However, if one does not chose a new rank at that point, one retains the previous pre-set title, thus the "phoenix". Also, it's possible that paolo picked "phoenix" as his custom rank anyway-am not sure.
paolo wrote:
The search for immortality is a way to fight death. But looking to leave "traces" of your personality is a wrong way to fight death. Personally I wouldn't give a damn for how many people will come to my funerals, nor for having left some posthumous memory. Immortality for me would be to have had, during my mortal life, some connection with the whole. Not that I think I succeded.
paolo wrote:
The idea, here, is that no human enterprise, no matter how much reputation or fame gives us, is worthwhile pursuing in terms of celebrity. Personally I don’t believe that anything of me, except separated atoms or molecules, will remain after my death. That does not mean that somehow I would not like to do something enduring for its “connection with the whole”.
Have no belief in anything of me beyond undifferentiated molecules existing posthumously, save other people's recollections of "the me that was" (that they knew of).
Read Jessica Mitford's "The American Way of Death", which cemented even more strongly my wish to be disposed of (once I'm dead-not before !) with as little fuss, expense, or artifice as possible.
I draw & I write-and hope these are appreciated during my life (when I can enjoy the positive feedback), but if they are only "discovered" (by larger world) after I'm gone, that's how it goes sometimes, alas. Would prefer to be known (no, not famous, though) in my lifetime, for what I like to do & am talented at, but am uncomfortable with the bright harsh glare of the marketplace scrutinizing my product (doodled designs & wordcraft)-and my personality.
Guess I don't hold out much hope for immortality in any form. To the extent my context is decipherable while I'm alive, it'll be that much more distorted & impenetrable once I'm dead.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*