One thing about being a new member is you find all these perfectly good threads.
However, I hope the person that wrote this is still on. But I think whoever it is, should run and not walk away from this provider. Borderline is one of those things that people use to dx confusing individuals. It is just way way way over done. You should find someone who knows about adult autism (which is way easier said than done).
At one time, I was dxed borderline. I finally went to a biologically oriented psychiatrist. He doesn't know about autism, but he was able to dx a seizure disorder and said it was affecting everything, including mood.
He took me off all anti-psychotics and put me on seizure meds. I improved just about overnight. I had been hospitalized and in and out of psyche wards and this stopped overnight as well.
A dx of aspergers or hfa would have done the same thing I think. Borderline is a dubious dx and very unlikely if you are aspie.
Also attachment disorder or something will fit of course, but that is if you werent' this way from an early age. If you were you have a developmental disability (i.e. arising during the first 3 years of life) not a personality disorder.
I think there are few people that do have a personality disorder and autism. I knew someone who was psychopathic and aspie. It isn't the more common thing of misdiagnosis though.