ZanneMarie wrote:
postpaleo wrote:
A little late with this one. We had been talking about German heritage and the like, this is some of mine. This would be my Great Grandfather and Mother and family, just before leaving Buda-Pest. Meet the Jung family. Great Grandfather was from Germany.
Larson would be the rest of the family name on that side, he hailed from Denmark. Sea farin man, I don't really know how much he was around and not off to sea. I suspect not much. Pretty much left my Step Great Garndmother in Hell's Kitchen, little bit of an Irish woman. She must have been a scraper of sorts to pull it off. I have no idea who my real Great Grandmother was, nor does anyone else in the family.
They look just like the Otts! I wonder if I have a picture of the Otts or if one of my aunts have it. Isn't funny how similar they look?
Jung is very German. Over here many of them have been anglicized to Young because that's how they interpreted it at Ellis Island.
Jung as I understand it very common as a surname as well. Yeah it did get changed to Young at Ellis and Larson got changed to Lawson. Magyar was also added in, the Wife tells me that indicates a hint of nobility or upperclass? I don't know really, I never saw such a thing as "uppity" on any of the ones I met. The little girl in the lower right, the one with the intense look, that's my Grandmother and man what a hell cat she could be, libber would be an understatement, something she passed on to her childern and for better or worse to me. I have a temper. Injustice or someone being incompitant, passing the buck or trying to make you the scape goat and I'm on them big time. It's like I go blind to my surrondings and read them the riot act. Gotten me in trouble and strighten out some messes, mixed blessing I guess.
The other side of the family is really serious american mutt, harder to seperate, but the surname is very Scott. Even at that it has a meaning in German as well. Child would the loose translation. Some variations in the spelling, but the earliest that we can find has to do with the giving of some livestock to the University in Edinburgh. there is way more to it, have some photos that have very striking Native American features, but that seems to have a split in there and I don't think that part got in my system, I dunno might be wrong. English is most certainly there and can be traced somewhere in the early 1500's, mid 1400's? iirc. I have a book my grandmother did, Mormans are very heavy into all that tracing thing, she was good at it, could write very well, "normal" school trained as a teacher, not common for her time. It would seem their (English) contribution came in anther way as well. They sent the Scott side to this country in, how do I put it, chains? Apparently the Scott surname side ended up on the wrong side of a little fight they must have had. They were sent here as POW's and liked what they saw after they got done working in the iron works in Boston, stayed. My English history is poor and the Wife is the pro there. Well the English planted some seeds here with that side of the family, as they weren't torys when all hell broke loose. Interesting stuff, well I think it is and most likely boring as hell to most.
What I find most interesting is her and those she interviewed storys, recollections of what life was like on the day to day basis. I mean we hear the highlights of a lot, but the day to day is often not written. It just goes back to being able to observe the simple, the common, the in plain sight stuff. It isn't easy at first and it took a while for me to get it down.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.