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08 Jan 2017, 6:00 am

Kiprobalhato wrote:
i suppose it depends on where you live, but the few times i have seen drivers run stops and lights are strange and exceptional cases. i believe most try the best they can, but are bogged down by tight schedules, whiny passengers, crappy cars or just the fact that....driving is unnatural. :lol:

human minds didn't evolve with roaring metal boxes on wheels with colossal kinetic energy in mind and just being on most roads trying to not hit anything or BE hit is stressful enough, in and of itself. which may contribute to irrational driving decisions.

i think driving is pretty fun, and i never exceed 80 MPH even on the loneliest straights. i don't think i have a "bloated ego" while i do it or delude myself into thinking i'm a pro driver. it's hard enough merely setting the cruise control or turning on red.

there are some genuine hotheaded jerks out there who have boundless disregard for the others on the road, though. that is always true.

Your response demonstrates how I am trying to think of the world. That means I like it ;)
The bottom one for me seems very common though, and idk why. I guess it's all in the perception. Some people are just calm and they have less difficulty on roads generally. Many people do seem to follow the rules but as for the "hotheaded jerks" I really can't understand what that's all about to be honest.

Emu Egg
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08 Jan 2017, 6:09 am

Lol! Just found this forum and Im so happy just smiling reading the comments since I can relate to what everyone is saying :D
I am afraid of driving, but I also drive a lot. My concentration is very bad and I do EVERYTHING except to drive. Not long time ago I was in a car-accident which made me even more scared. My anxiety boosts up in every meeting with another car because I don't think I will be able to drive pass them, even though theres two lanes.

I think you need to keep doing what you do, listen to yourself, when it's too much then stop. This is my philosophy which I am following. Keep on going, you are great!

Tufted Titmouse
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08 Jan 2017, 9:44 pm

I love driving around and I find it very relaxing. Especially in the evening when many people are home and off the roads, I'll sometimes put on relaxing music and just drive.


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08 Feb 2017, 12:03 am

Since I was very late in getting my license (48), driving doesn't give me a sense of ego. It does give me independence and allows me to do the things I need to do and want to do.


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08 Feb 2017, 12:18 am

wrongcitizen wrote:
Your response demonstrates how I am trying to think of the world. That means I like it ;)
The bottom one for me seems very common though, and idk why. I guess it's all in the perception. Some people are just calm and they have less difficulty on roads generally. Many people do seem to follow the rules but as for the "hotheaded jerks" I really can't understand what that's all about to be honest.

well, thanks. :)

maybe those people are cursed with a one track mind, they are hyper focused on one thing, and one thing only. that is, getting to a destination.

you could be rushing a loved one to the ER, and be so focused on that to the point you shrug off some road rules and exceed the speed limit, which is real dangerous and a little dumb but, i get it.

but to everyone else on the road who just sees you as another car, and not an individual with desires and intents: you're a hotheaded jerk. that's why knowing how to drive safely yourself is only half the battle, IMO, you also have to pay attention to others on the road who might not know how to do the same, and know how to react appropriately so you reduce the chances that someone gets maimed.

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08 Feb 2017, 8:51 pm

Sorry if I posted on this years ago under my old account.
I love driving and consider myself an elite driver. It is one of the few spectrum stereotypes I seem to be the polar opposite of (that aspies are bad drivers). I see all the players around me and feel the energy of the moving cars and make decisions and moves accordingly, with the nuance and ease of an experienced video game player blazing the easy levels. I see trouble brewing before it happens and have avoided accidents other less alert drivers would have gotten in.
Of course I almost always drive alone, and do not have music, phone, device or other distractions. (When I do, there is a quality dropoff.) I treat driving as the serious and dangerous task that it is. But I love it and I love being good at it.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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12 Feb 2017, 12:29 am

I am the WORST driver on the planet (maybe in the solar system).

I was born in California, where everyone begins driving at 16. Two car accidents later (one with a parked car and one with the divider on 580), I pretty much gave up driving.

When I moved to NYC, I let my license lapse and got a state id. Ten years later, I had to go to drivers education and then take my road test. My first try I got 10 points. Yep. I only received 10 points and failed the test almost immediately. I didn't give up, and ended up passing the exam later in the summer. That said, I would much rather someone else drive. And everyone else who has seen me drive seems to think the same.

So, if you struggle behind the wheel...don't sweat it. There is someone out there worse than you at it.

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14 Feb 2017, 1:24 pm

Not at all now, but I did when I first started. Practice a lot. But idk, I guess some people never get it, or get comfy.


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15 Feb 2017, 12:41 am

dtoxic2 wrote:
Of course I almost always drive alone, and do not have music, phone, device or other distractions. (When I do, there is a quality dropoff.)

good. that's a big part of it.

sometimes i throw my phone in the back seat, out of reach when i'm driving with somebody. have one distraction, might as well eliminate another one entirely.

i can make it safely on the highway through hard rain and my windows fogging up, but it is a lot of pressure. not just on me, but my car's electrical system, too.

when it's been raining for a while and moisture builds up in the distributor and causes the car to skip/shake when accelerating (i suspect that's what happens) ...that really kills my focus. :ninja:

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19 Feb 2017, 10:55 am

I do have some, especially with spatial navigation. I cannot get anywhere unfamiliar without the aid of GPS. As long as I have my GPS, it's not too much of an issue. It did take me a long time to get my license (age 21; started taking lessons at age 18 after thinking I may never be able to drive, and I flunked the test the first two times -- never did learn parallel parking, but I at least passed on the third attempt).

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01 Apr 2017, 5:04 am

mathiebrungrand wrote:
I am the WORST driver on the planet (maybe in the solar system)..

Considering the only other driving objects in the solar system except for the ones on earth are computer controlled rovers on mars, worst driver on earth/in the solar system mean exactly the same thing.



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01 Apr 2017, 1:31 pm

i can not stand driving. i prefer to be a passenger.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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02 Aug 2017, 2:11 am

My father insisted I get a license and drive. I hated it. My reaction time was horribly slow, I was constantly lost even in my hometown, I made lots of mistakes, and I had a lot of near-misses because I couldn't accurately judge how far cars were from me. I was always petrified to get on the road. That fear is common with new drivers, but it lingered long after I had gotten my license.

I solved the issue of driving by moving to New York City for college and then my job. Not driving is definitely a big reason why I stay! I haven't gotten behind the wheel for 7 years now and have no regrets.


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02 Aug 2017, 8:12 pm

yes i am really bad at driving. anxiety, fear, panic. gross and fine motor coordination. hand eye coordination. get distracted easily. hard to guess what other cars will do. freeway driving is easier than road driving. never learned how to parallel park. horrible at guessing speeds and distances. usually err on doing what is legal instead of what is normal. and other drivers might expect me to do what is normal instead of legal. so that might make it easier for me to get in a crash.

thus far the insurance told me i got into five car crashes. one half of one, the insurance assigned as my fault. not one half of five.

but seriously though. feel like get wired way too easily. adrenaline.


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06 Aug 2017, 5:31 pm

I hate driving, but when I do, I drive to fast.....been done speeding several times, mostly because I just can't wait to get home. I know its uncool, but thats how it is. It has

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19 Aug 2017, 12:32 am

Mostly I can follow the traffic rules, and I'm a pretty safe driver on the whole. Only two accidents, and they both happened more than ten years ago. My problem is, it's really hard to drive to places I've never been before. Huge anxiety spike. I print out directions every time I have to do it, but that doesn't always help. I also have a poor sense of direction and have gotten lost many times, even on familiar routes. I've found myself cruising down unfamiliar highways, not knowing where to exit, being afraid to exit, until my embarrassment and mounting panic finally overcome the mental shutdown I've gone into, and then I stop and call a family member for help. :(


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