postpaleo wrote:
TRUE wrote:
But it also scares me, because I worry about buying real estate and getting taken or scammed. I would just believe what they say. That's one reason I've thought I needed an NT translator to help out. Someone who is wise to the ways of the world.
True, would you like to play a little game? If you watch tv, watch the ads with this in mind. What are they selling and how are they selling it. I think you'll see a lot of "fear" selling. It's like if I don't buy this I'm not going to be cool or if I don't do this, I'm going to die or go to hell or whatever. See the thing is, we get a constant hit of spoon fed fear, we just aren't always aware of it. Pretty soon it's easy to start getting a little scared and not even understand it's being reenforced in us. They're very good at this selling they've been doing it a very long time. Sometimes I think the ads are much better then what ever it is the wife likes to watch. Me I like "My Name is Earl", it's about the only thing I like, cept the news, I'm a news junky. But no not Anna Nichole, just let me know if she rises from the grave, then I'll be interested.
Oh, yes; the advertisements are SO much more interesting than the filler (sitcoms, talkingheads, etc). Reveals quite a lot about what motivates the rest of the population. Sitting back and viewing advertisements from the perspective of one who not only doesn't buy into any of it, but needs to query what the heck it's even about... on a good day, fascinating. On a bad day, discouraging.
TRUE, you do have an advantage over most folks when it comes to practical decision-making. First, you can utilize your ability to discern patterns (real estate, stock market, etc) apart from the emotional links that bog down most people. And, you can make use of your ability to focus (doing research, mulling over a problem, etc) to come to a carefully thought-out conclusion. No need to trust the real-estate agent.