gwferguson howdy, have a muffin
careful with striaght lines in here but guess you don't need any instruction books either.
since you did bring up something about farting and Lau added a little fuel with his CFR, let me get serious with a quote, brb, got to go find it, won't be but a minute...*runs into door, staggers and then through it* *stumbles over a stained rug and falls through door* Got it!!
...clipped a little.......
"The kids often found this to be an inconvenience, as they were fascinated by,
and constantly perfecting new techniques for, The Manly Art Of Fart-Burning.
Kenny explained to me that it was scientific - that it demonstrated (this is
a real quote) "Compression, ignition, combustion and exhaust.""
Frank Zappa talking about his early home life.
So while we in here may be pretending to have fun, this is serious scientific fun, don't let them misguide you. It's all right there in the manly art. Although be very pleased to demonstrtae and help any ladies that might care to pursue, such research. Coffee Dude!! Fetch me some beans and brussels sprouts, I have some serious work to do. Oh and bring that fire extinguisher a little closer, no not that thing, the rug, man, get the rug.
Outside. Gas is verboten.