The Dino-Aspie Cafe (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

Lemon... the silly program is the Java Ascii Versatile Editor. It tells you there how to get it going. It's "Ascii Art" - almost a lost art, these days. A pity, because it can be quite nice for a quick impact, without, as you said, fiddling about with cameras, scanners, uploads, linking.
So how come page 200 isn't full? I predicted yesterday afternoon, then everyone stopped posting (until I went away, and you all went on furiously posting).
And for my next song...
and how can i have it in here ?
(the little program works, although i have to click some error message away before it does -after hitting the esc-button 15 times that is-)
now still have to listen to the song,
rather busy at the moment, hubby already told me 3 (!) times that i should stop wp and study (but i couldn't resist this ascii-toy...


Joined: 21 Feb 2007
Age: 74
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Posts: 3,134
Location: North Mirage, Pennsyltucky

Lemon... the silly program is the Java Ascii Versatile Editor. It tells you there how to get it going. It's "Ascii Art" - almost a lost art, these days. A pity, because it can be quite nice for a quick impact, without, as you said, fiddling about with cameras, scanners, uploads, linking.
So how come page 200 isn't full? I predicted yesterday afternoon, then everyone stopped posting (until I went away, and you all went on furiously posting).
And for my next song...
and how can i have it in here ?
(the little program works, although i have to click some error message away before it does -after hitting the esc-button 15 times that is-)
now still have to listen to the song,
rather busy at the moment, hubby already told me 3 (!) times that i should stop wp and study (but i couldn't resist this ascii-toy...

For young lady who doesn't talk, you sure do talk alot.

Umm not sure about the java, but I installed a free java add in, might help, Lau will know better, mine came from and outfit called Sun or Coffee Cup, not sure, might be one and the same.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.
May I come in and cool off?
I just finished reading the four pages of the request to start mature/parents forums, and it got my blood pressure up. I will not point fingers as that would be immature.
I am having a hard time understanding why it can't just simply be created? What's the big deal? Why does it require numerous threads and requests for links to old threads and votes and feedback and argument...
I wish we could use the old 60's technique of boycotting. Every person who posts here defect to Aspergian Elder Council for a week and see how that affects the place. But that's my black and white thinking - it probably wouldn't work.
Anyway, thanks to Starr for starting the thread. And Yowler for this Cafe idea. And the rest of you who've taken the ball and run with it. It's good to see such strong mature people here - warms my heart and gives me hope.
(rhythmically beats her head against the keyboard at her utter inability to post a damn picture!)
my brain is my best friend . . .

Even though postpaleo has already said most of it, this particular image is a little different.
When you see an image on a page, more often than not, click on it and your browser will default to showing you the image all on its own in the window. The address bar then has what you need to copy and paste into the tags.
On the page you gave the link to, clicking on the image doesn't do that - it shows you "the answer". Sometimes images will show a larger, higher resolution version of themselves. It's all up to whoever designed the HTML page.
Now, in this case, it was probably a good idea to post the HTML page. If you had shown the image, people who can't "do" the magic eye images would not get to see "the answer".
Posting both the page and the image would probably have been best.
Anyway, back to the lecture: "The other button on your mouse is your friend". There are other ways to get there (such as viewing the page source, in extremis), but what I did here was "Right click and properties". There you'll see the address for the JPEG image (or jpg, coz Microsovt kan't speel worms lomger then thrie leeters). Cut and paste that.
Finally, this will not always work. A server can detect your attempt at forming a link directly to something of theirs, be a spoilsport, and block that sort of access. In this case, they didn't. When I'm linking an image like this, I always try to remember to hit "Preview" first. If they are blocking direct links, you get to find out early. In those cases, you'll have to fall back on copying the image to somewhere else, assuming that you think there's no copyright problem.
[aside]There is a logic behind blocking direct accesses: the owner of the page wants you to see their clever page, not just an odd image. To my mind, if they went to the effort of making their page interesting/useful in the first place, they wouldn't need to do the blocking.[/aside]
PS. Another item for the "Tips'n'Tricks" area?
"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports." Kamran Nazeer
I could never do those magic images - perhaps I'm wired wrong or something
I am having a hard time understanding why it can't just simply be created? What's the big deal? Why does it require numerous threads and requests for links to old threads and votes and feedback and argument
Yes, it is surprising how much resistence there is. Oh well, I support it. That's my two pennies for this morning.
*sneaks back to corner and cracks open another coke - plenty to go round

Any fool can cope with a crisis. The art is in dealing with the crap you get everyday.

Couldn't get it small enough for an avatar, so here goes...
1) Nice image, but too small! Gimme a full size desktop image! Slightly manic cackling (otherwise known as laughter) should issue from your screen as this point. Hee hee hee, (Something like "Number 9", in "Short Circuit", having his epiphany at the top of the mountain.).
2) Your image is only 100 pixels wide and 71 high, when you're allowed 140 by 140. So you're OK there.
3) However, your image is 16706 bytes. I'm not sure what exactly Alex means when he says "... and the file size no more than 16 KB." Doing it "properly", that should mean you are only allowed 16,000 bytes. Alex may be being less than pedantic, and meaning 16,384 bytes (when he should have said "... 16 KiB"), but in either case, 16,706 is way over!
In the short term,

What I'm bemused by, is what software generated the file? I've used two different programs (KolourPaint and The GIMP) on it. In each case, I just loaded your image and saved it straight back with 100% "accuracy". Both programs better than halved the file size.
PS. I got carried away, and tried out PNG (Potable Network Graqhics) format, so as to get transparency, hence

"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports." Kamran Nazeer
Lau, what happened to the letters of the alphabet we sent to you for the 200th page...hiss boo:
ZanneMarie, sorry if I made you feel selfconscious about your avatar.
Everyone my daughter has blown you a kiss and has her photograph on Random Discussion: Kiss a random WP member, p39. She finishes "ZanneMarie'''and then her photo covers the rest of the words, "Lau, Inventor, and all the old farts in the Aspie Dino Cafe."
So you think that Lemon talks a lot, Postpaelo???? Mmmm. Don't stop though. Glad that your wife has only left you for 2 nights. It was a lovely love story.
I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex

Joined: 21 Feb 2007
Age: 74
Gender: Male
Posts: 3,134
Location: North Mirage, Pennsyltucky
ZanneMarie, sorry if I made you feel selfconscious about your avatar.
Everyone my daughter has blown you a kiss and has her photograph on Random Discussion: Kiss a random WP member, p39. She finishes "ZanneMarie'''and then her photo covers the rest of the words, "Lau, Inventor, and all the old farts in the Aspie Dino Cafe."
So you think that Lemon talks a lot, Postpaelo???? Mmmm. Don't stop though. Glad that your wife has only left you for 2 nights. It was a lovely love story.
Was giggling with her. It wasn't long ago all we could get out of her was a smily face icon.
Naw couldn't talk her into 2 nights. DRATS!!
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.

I've never been able to see these magic images either ! I'll keep trying though.
BTW,my late father went to the same school as your avatar Victor Meldrew,or Richard Wilson
I should say.Think he was actually called Ian Wilson in those days.
There,I've managed to find something to comment so I'll go back to reading my paper just
for the moment

I have lost the will to be apathetic

I've never been able to see these magic images either ! I'll keep trying though.
BTW,my late father went to the same school as your avatar Victor Meldrew,or Richard Wilson
I should say.Think he was actually called Ian Wilson in those days.
Boy did I love the Victor Meldrew character in that show - it was one of the few comedies that ever had me laughing out loud.
The number of times I've been told I act like him is countless

Any fool can cope with a crisis. The art is in dealing with the crap you get everyday.
Was giggling with her. It wasn't long ago all we could get out of her was a smily face icon.

(i don't have problem talking/writting if i have something to say or if someone triggers it , otherwise i'll just read/listen yeah
the smileys was to indicate that i was present and reading but not writing,
but i suppose i'm explaining things that don't need explanation here

YOUHOU LAU ! !! i know you have your marriage to plan and so

but would you care to explain me how to use this ascii-thing in this message-window
(as i thought to have noticed that one doesn't need no sending-copying-url'ing things)
Me closing the PMs at eight letters, after having to beg for another vowel.
Me managing the best anagram I could, from a rather intractable set of letters.
The full size version of what is currently my avatar.
People have been given warnings in the past about this sort of thing. There will be random spot tests, from time to time, occasionally, especially at the century marks.
You have failed this test. You are now on probation. In future, you must attend more assiduously to homework assignments.
You have been warned.
PS. Has anyone seen my lead balloon?
"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports." Kamran Nazeer

but would you care to explain me how to use this ascii-thing in this message-window
(as i thought to have noticed that one doesn't need no sending-copying-url'ing things)
First a question. Have you got to seeing anything like the screenshots yet?
If not, I guess you might not have the Java stuff installed. I just followed the links from the front page, but Sun Microsystems are clever. They offered me just the Linux stuff. You're running Microsoft, I guess, so I can't offhand say exactly what you need to click on for that. You just want the most recent "JRE" (Java Runtime Environment).
If, on the other hand, you've already got past that, you should have also grabbed the "" file. There are the instruction for unpacked that somewhere useful (E.g. to a folder called "C:\Jave", maybe). Note, as they say, this must be a folder with no spaces in the name, anywhere. So it can't be anywhere under "My Documents".
The "jave5.jar" file in there starts it up. I'd right click that, drag it to the desktop, drop and select "Create shortcut here". Then I'd drag that (renamed) shortcut down into the quick lauch area (bottom left).
Even once you've got all that sorted, there's yet another hurdle. The Java programs do all their menu stuff just that smidgeon differeently from "normal". You just have to get used to the different "look and feel".
Finally, once it's all up and running, what you've got is a most peculiar "Paint" type program. I've played about with various parts of it. Mainly trial and error (with quite a bit of the latter

Oh dear. I seem to be filling up the Cafe with reams and reams of notes. Could someone move that table off this pile? Sorry. Mind out... now look what you've done! It'll take me ages to put that all back in order.
I diagnosed myself as "acting funny" around Christmas 2005. Managed after several attempts to drag myself to my GP and told him that I thought I was suffering from depression. He offered "chemical help or counselling". I said "Can I have both?", which threw him a bit, but he said yes (although I'm fairly sure he wasn't supposed to do both). Took Prozac for one month low dose, one and a half months at high dose. Did nothing to me at all. At the third 1 hour session, the counsellor (having got nowhere with the idea of me and depression) asked "Have you heard of Asperger's Syndrome?". I said no. She gave me some book titles. I went to the local library. I looked on the net. I was thoroughly self-diagnosed within the week. I subsequently discovered that a friend who had worked with AS is the past had, in effect, diagnosed me independently at around the same time. The same sort of thing has cropped up with others I know... teachers, who, when I've said about it, have suddenly said "Oh! I suppose I should have noticed."
Finally, with pressure from me that seems to have shortened the process from years down to about nine months, I got an official diagnosis from the local mental health team (December 2006).
"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports." Kamran Nazeer
Hope to see you there.

LOL Quieter? And you are inviting us??? LOL Of course we'll come by and see you. We'll reset our brains to James Taylor and leave the Floyd in the egg chair. Feel free to borrow coffee dude.
People say I'm crazy
doing what I'm doing,
Well they give me all kinds of warnings
to save me from ruin
Thanks, everyone, for your kind words. My friend is really strong, and we talked tonight about her upcoming treatments, and she feels she has a really good oncology team, and I have to agree with her. The doctor who's the world's expert on this type of cancer is her doctor, and it was a fluke my friend got her. It was such a relief after finding out who this doctor was after my friend got the cancer dx.
Poor ZM. Did you save the shoes? You probably have those tiny feet that look so cute in strappy sandals. I actually broke down and bought a pair of Crocs flipflops, and that's as close to strappy as I'll ever get.
Yeah, Lau, What Postie asked about pool in Scotland. My folks owned taverns, and while my dad had pool tables, he had one really nice, wood inlaid regulation billiards table. When I was growing up, we even had a pool table in the living room (had to sit under the ball return to watch "My Favorite Martian")(Yeah, I said it--I had balls in my hair, yeah, so?). We usually played 8-ball, and my sister and I had child size cues, and had to stand on milk crates to play.
When my parents died, my sister got my mother's custom cue, and I got my dad's.
Postie, and anyone else, can you shoot with either hand when you play pool or billiards? My sister and I play either right or left handed.
Metta, Rjaye
My feet are bony and skinny. Unfortunately those sandals were for normal feet, not fins as my dh so fondly calls mine. The sandals are history. They were cute. They had all these seashells and beads on them. He's right though. I don't know what I was thinking. I have to have shoes and sandals in AA or AAA, otherwise they flop around on my feet and cause me to curl my toes to keep them on or give me horrible blisters.

Oh and I can shoot with either hand and put mascara on with either hand. I can write with either hand, but I write better with my right hand because I rarely use my left. I'm not sure why I preferred my right. My one brother is a leftie and my mother wouldn't let them try to make him use his right. I guess I just preferred it.
People say I'm crazy
doing what I'm doing,
Well they give me all kinds of warnings
to save me from ruin
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