About your change in emotions towards your spouse.(pardon me for regressing into psycho babble but babble is my specialty).
I have emotions for people that I can turn off like a light switch.It is protective mechanism and has served me well.Sometimes,a year latter,they will resurface to bite me in the ass,but at a time I may better able to deal with the cognitive discidence...loving and hating,pity and loathing...it's a mixed bag.I dont know if it AS,being abandoned at 2 and again at 16,or being a Scorpio.....but I can be one mean b**ch to cross.I dont get angry or revenge...I get indifferent and what could be more brutal to someone you used to have a relationship with?There is a part of me that is a "survivor at all cost" and I see it in you as well.
The most complicatd thing is.....what if tomorrow he wakes from his self-impossed stupor and realizes that the problem is ...HIM.
He may have an epiphany and decide he needs to get help for his own issues.For me it is to late.Once I have entered the realm of "indifference",I cant seem to turn around and start caring again....it's simply to complicated(maybe part of the black and white thing?)What I dont want you to do....is feel that if he does take this step and you do have a change of heart,that you have burned all the bridges back or feel you have to avoid US because we might think you buckeled(I only mention this because I have gone through "seperation counseling with a female friend and then felt I have to avoid her after returning to the guy,out of embarassment,I guess).
I know everyone here will support whatever decission you make(as long as it involves getting a lawyer for all legal decissions...lol...thats a given).I still think you need to seperate all the finances...just in case.I never understood peoples trust to combine resources any more then I understood their ability to have a faith in God...Faith,not my forte'.This is a very stressful time.I hope you are checking of ALL nonessential errands to allow yourself time to nurture yourself.(I know sounds hokey,but I swear it is essential when you work with a "self" that will work until it breaks down...ie...excepting no limits.)
My one and only"psychotic break" occured when I allowed my "out-put" to exceep my "in-put"....my computer just froze,felt nice to shut down,but I would have died if someone hadnt interveened.If you have family and friends...now is the time to ask for help with anything.People actually want to and it is good for their Karma....so let them.(One of the hardest things I had to learn).If you cant make yourself do it for yourself....do it for your kids....they need you and others can help with some of the details of life.
I hope this hasnt been to "feely" but I am an ASer who has been through some [email protected] may lack ToM for people who are going through "trials and tribulations" I cant relate to(like losing their favorite nail salon worker...
)but I have been through more break-ups then I care to admit and it is never easy,even if it is the right thing to do(which I never know FOR SURE,without hindesite).
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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