I am on job-seekers but I work voluntry in a charity shop, so I go there all week - but when Sundays come, I get bored and depressed. My dad lays across the settee watching crap on the telle, and the curtains half closed! Now, how depressing is that? And I've got nowhere to go or nothing to do, except sit in my house with the atmosphere of boredom, or go to my nan's with my mum and my auntie - just to get out of the house.
Now, my nan has Alzheimer's and so you can't have a proper conversation with her any more, and so that just adds to the vicious boredom on Sundays. And I have such a big family (lots of aunts and uncles and cousins), and they all pile down in this tiny little bungalow, and my cousins never want to go out and do anything (we are all teenagers). So sometimes I avoid going down there too, because there's too many people. I would just like to spend the day going shopping with a couple of friends. That'd occupy me, and that'd keep me happy. But, alas - I either fall out with my ''friends'', or the really nice ones move somewhere out of reach, or the rest have other things to do with their own families. And I'm not the type to just aimlessly go walking out somewhere all by myself. Anyway, I HATE being on my own. I spend most of the week getting the bus on my own, and walking here and there on my own. I'd like to do things with other people - but who? All my family just want to sit cooped up in a tiny bungalow. Oooohhh, how depressing!! !! !
The main problem is - I'm looking for a quiet sort of job where I don't have to deal with the public, but those sorts of jobs are just Monday to Friday, and the only job I could get on a Sunday is somewhere where I have to deal with the public. It's like a vicious circle. It's hard being a socially awkward person.
Last edited by Joe90 on 12 Sep 2010, 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.