Is Life Better or Worse Now Than When You Where Younger?

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Is life better or worse now that you are older?
Yes 64%  64%  [ 91 ]
No 15%  15%  [ 21 ]
No Sure 22%  22%  [ 31 ]
Total votes : 143


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21 May 2007, 10:39 am

Yes, life is better now that I'm older. At least I've got some idea as to why I am how I am and I have built up coping mechanisms over the years. The other thing is that every day brings me 1 day closer to retirement, and boy am I looking forward to it :D

Having said that, there are still lots of things that could be better. However, if I could improve 1 thing it would be to get rid of my procrastination. I could be brilliant at my job instead of just mediocre. I get by, but I hate the fact that I spend my life fire-fighting problems that are mostly of my own making. No matter how many times I rationalise and blame this or that, I know that I could work around things better, anticipate problems, and be positive with my boss instead of just getting angry inside. How I hate my attitude and the way it manufactures stress for me, which needn't be stress at all. :(

I just don't understand it. I don't dislike what I do. I'm fully capable of doing what I do. And yet, put the prospect of a new project in front of me, and on comes the hand-wringing, the dry mouth, the foot-tapping, and the knot in the stomach. I can't even put a shelf up without all these feelings overwhelming me.

If there was an olympic event for procrastination, I would have gold every time :D But still, life's better than it was.

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21 May 2007, 11:33 am

Not sure...

My life definitely sucked when I was a child. But there was a brief period of time in my 20's where I was totally independant (meaning no husband) and just did whatever pleased me. That's the period of time I'd like to re-live.

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22 May 2007, 4:03 pm

I can't really relate to the younger me--he seems like a different person. But he was pretty miserable a lot of the time--things seemed incomprehensible and strange, and I didn't really know what I was expected to do with my life. On the other hand, I did have a quality of openness and willingness to try new things that I seem to have lost since.

Now, though the big problems of my life haven't been solved, a lot of smaller ones have, and more importantly, I have a better awareness of the way my mind and the world works. As well as getting on better with the outside world, I can anticipate my own reactions, and avoid self-destructive spirals that used to depress me for days. There's still a long way to go, but at least now I know which way I should be going.

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22 May 2007, 5:36 pm

When you are young even though people are mean to you, you have no friends. It doesn't matter because you have hope that in the future things will get better. When you are older and find you still don't really have friends and dont' fit in with people then the hope is gone. I vote for younger.


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23 May 2007, 5:51 pm

I can identify with losing hope for the future. I've always been so different from the mainstream in my small hometown and later where I live currently it seems the more I try to fit in to aquire friends the more distant others become. I try to keep plugging away in hopes of a better training for a different profession. Unfortunately as a female in my late 30's and at the beginning stages of menopause my options of finding a partner and having a child seem very limited. My wishes for the future are to aquire two friends in real life and to have a longterm relationship. Not necessarily in that order.

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24 May 2007, 6:55 am

I'm not really quite sure. I'm living on my own and for myself. I have been for six months, now. I've become my own person, though my parents might not be used to the new me, yet. I cook most of my dinners. I clean and do laundry. I have friends now. However, I've had a soiling problem since mid December, but I don't see myself as a loser who has accidents. I see myself as a well-rounded individual who has a minor medical problem, down there. I'd have to say that my life is mostly easier than it was, when I was younger, and none of my problems slow me down. I even have a wonderful sex life, despite the fact that I don't always smell like roses.


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27 Jul 2007, 11:23 am

Silver_Meteor wrote:
.....I am older and wiser.

I feel that too.

I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.


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28 Jul 2007, 8:46 pm

My school years through my early 20's were a dark time I don't have many fond memories of. In my mid 20's I kind of learned to accept who I am, imperfections and all, and life in general has been pretty good since then.

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28 Jul 2007, 9:23 pm

Life is a lot more logistically complicated now, but my attitudes toward life are much more positive now than when I was younger. I still don't have many enduring relationships (terrible at maintaining them), but the bitterness and angst have matured into a more detached amusement. Life is infinitely stranger than I ever thought it would be (back when I still knew everything), but the little jolts have evened out as I've learned to maintain my balance. That said, I'm sure it's only a matter of time until life knocks me flat on my ass again. This no longer fills me with trepidation, however, as I've found that the result is generally ... illuminating once I can get past the profanity-inducing part.


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29 Jul 2007, 9:04 am

ehhh, better despite the fact life still sucks :roll:
Life is much better then it was a few years ago
its just lonely as hell now :(
no one in my life ya know

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30 Jul 2007, 6:45 pm

Life is much much better now. :P :P :P


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01 Aug 2007, 5:02 am

Generally better.

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18 Aug 2007, 11:50 pm

This is sort of like what the fellow who fell off the top of the skycraper said as he passed each floor...So far so far so far so good...
At this point in free fall I've got my s**t together and I am healthy.
When I was younger I was often unhappy about being weird. Now I'm fine with it. I have come to realize that everybody is weird in some way, some are just better at hiding it.

I always think outside the box; I can't get the box open!


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22 Aug 2007, 12:28 am

Having no idea what yes or no means against better or worse I'll just say things are better. The knowledge and wisdom of self and life I've gained have really made the difference between me living vs. me being in a coffin. That and being out of school, being on my own, working and paying my own bills, its a matter of having say, having control, and having the kind of dignity in my existence that I want.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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23 Aug 2007, 4:31 pm

Cernunnos wrote:
If there was an olympic event for procrastination, I would have gold every time :D But still, life's better than it was.

No you won't, I'm taking that baby home!

... in four years.

In all honesty, life isn't any better. Bad luck is still the strongest external force in my life. What's changed and changing is me, and I know for a fact I'm better in every way than I was just a few years ago.


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24 Aug 2007, 6:04 pm

I don't even know which answer to choose for the poll. Life is a little better in some ways because I am not being constantly abused like I was at home. And as an adult I'm not forced to go to that hell-hole they call school. So in that regards my life is better now. But its not as happy as I thought it would be just becoming an adult. Now there are new unhappinesses to replace the old ones. The pressure of always being in debt, pressure of being chronically ill while having to work hard and being eternally lonely because I relate to no one. The abuse from relationships has its toll too. And being bullied in school gets replaced by being insulted in town by strangers, insulted by people in the medical profession and being stalked and harassed by other its still similar to being bullied, but under different guises.