Joybob wrote:
In order for two organisms to be considered part of a different species they must be unable to inter-breed.
NT's and Aspies can breed sometimes so they are the same species.
Oh dear, forgetting about the Homo family, arnt we? Homo Erectus, Homo Neanderthal.
Capableable of interbreeding.
I call for a re-defintion of the word 'species' under the signs that apparance alone is not the single cause. Nor are genes, I would prefer it to be neuroogically based.
Saying that, i'd like to change the 'human rights laws' as to be covered by it.
Not just for the passing generations to take us as a diffrent species, but to unite under one banner, as it were. Yes, I am diffrent, Yes I am proud of it. Would be the (hopefully sole) result of it.