I pick the hangnails/cuticles on my fingers, mostly my thumbs. Once in a great while I will pick my feet, but that is rare.
It is a stress-relief -- and an unconscious habit. In my head, I want to make the skin smooth by picking off the "rough" patches, but logically I know that picking off the rough patches will only make them even more rough in the future. The sad part is that when I do manage to quit for a few weeks, my skin looks great but it still feels rough, so the temptation is always there.
It is embarrassing, but very, very tough to quit. Painting my nails helps. I can manage perhaps for a few days or even a few weeks, but then always comes back if I am really stressed out, and it only takes a few minutes of unconscious picking. It is easier to avoid it if I am not eating gluten & dairy (both lab-tested intolerances). I do it the most at work, so typically they look the best on Mondays and the worst on Fridays.
My Dad, who is classic AS but not diagnosed, picks his scabs. For this reason, I believe this is probably some type of genetic compulsion. It is weird if we are sitting next to each other and doing it. But we've never discussed that we do this.
Does anyone have any statistics for how common this type of hair-pulling, skin-picking behavior is in AS? I *have* to think they are related.