I have read enough in this forum to think that this is the correct place to post this.
My wife and I have recently come to the conclusion that AS is certainly the explanation for my many quirks. We are both 62 and married 41 years to each other and only each other. So I guess that constitutes a committed relationship. Now that we have a handle on this thing; I am picking up insights into what has been going on with me all this time and some things that maybe I can do about it. But I am also picking up insights about communication problems we have always had. She sometimes regards the AS thing as a useless piece of information because she sees no useful application of the information and thinks that I will use the AS designation as an excuse to say "thats the way I am" and then not work to change things in problem areas.
She is strongly disinclined to use the internet for anything other than e-mail and not much of that. I on the other hand have spend much time in the Wrong Planet forums because it is such a relief to see that others have the same problems and characteristics and can provide insights that may be of use to me. It is like a sigh of relief to find others like me and it helps me make more sense of things. I tend to hide my browsing of the sites from her because she seems to think that I am wasting time on the topic. I read her a few clips now and then when it has relevance to something that is a problem for the two of us.
She loves me very much and is tolerant but she imputes ill motives to many of the things she thinks I am doing. It is really frustrating because I have no such agenda ! It is a perception driven by her being NT and me being AS. Oddly she has a bunch of personality quirks of her own but they do not match AS at all. If I could understand her set of quirks as I am coming to understand my own, It would help a lot.
Can you give me run down on the basics of being an AS husband trying to optimize his relationship with his NT wife? (Yeah, I know that's kind of a tall order, I hope its not too unrealistic)
P.S. Some of her key quirks:
--Very quiet
--Reclusive, Enjoys solitude, Avoids interaction with others. Shy!
--Impaired ability to show affection physically, Compensates by doing things for others
--Almost cannot initiate any show of affection in any situation, no matter how private.
--Feels unappreciated
--Insists on being independent, and is loathe to ask for assistance, even rejecting it when it is sincerely offered spontaneously to an obvious need
--Reluctant to share her feelings
--Thinks that any inquiry by me about her thoughts or choices is an attempt to judge them or berate her.
--Really has trouble believing that when I say something that I mean exactly what I said and that I don't have some ulterior motive or agenda.
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Thou shalt call, and I will answer