Starr wrote:
Beckett's 'Company' - is this about someone who notices numbers?
I love the giant girl! The wires move her, so she is like a giant puppet? From the size of the man in the photo, she must be huge! I will have a look on the web for more. That dress she is wearing, must be the size of a marquee, and those giant!
yeah, in company, the main character does count, and also other characters do rythmic stuff,
we had it in literature class, and i really loved the book, i told the prof that i suspected it to be about autism and/or AS and he agreed that this was a possibility (i also suspect that he himself might have been on the spectrum, it was the only prof i really felt like understanding, and he didn't look me in the eyes the first year, he was also very logical and correct and the fact that he knew what AS was.)
well, i loved the giant girl, sorry for those that don't feel that way, i was completely charmed by her, she moves very slowly and it gave her a very friendly and observing aspect, she was almost real.