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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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27 Nov 2010, 2:52 pm

I've had great luck with long-distance hiking and bike touring. Eight to ten hours of fun, in company, but without chatter. It's great.

- RF

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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27 Nov 2010, 5:35 pm

I work weekends so the majority of my time is either spent working or sleeping.

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01 Dec 2010, 10:32 pm

Usually get stoned off medical marijuana. Weekends suck.


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05 Dec 2010, 2:04 pm

I do what I do on any other day of the week except go to doctor appointments. So it's really nothing special to me.

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Your Aspie score: 167 of 200
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05 Dec 2010, 5:25 pm

AFAIK, time behaves similarly whether it be weekend or not.

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07 Dec 2010, 4:16 pm

First and most importantly is I sleep in and stay up late. What I actually do.... whew....

My favorite thing to do is stay home and read, program computers or play on the interwebz. I also study the classical guitar when I have quiet alone time. Besides this I make sure I have good nutrition lined up for the week (I won't eat if it isn't planned) which requires cooking, shopping for foods, etc. Finally, I make sure I have exercise via weight lifting and football practice.

Those are the "preferred/required" weekend things.

Outside of these things, I have to make sure that I "touch" all the people that I interface with as "friends"and family members on an occasional basis so I rotate them around as they bother me (I rarely initiate contact but they always do). So I will most always be at some dinner or other function (hopefully small intimate) for a few hours during a weekend. And then there are the cultural things that are fun to do such as symphony performances, art museaums, plays, movies, etc.... When I am lucky and have a lot of time, I will get in my RV and take off for an overnighter. Finally, the weekends is where I catch up on repairs of the farm and rental houses as required. All of this is weekend stuff.


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05 Jan 2011, 8:01 pm

I do not have a "true blue" friend, aside from my cousin and sister. Weekends make me feel alone.

I like meeting other introspectives/sensitives, and try to do so via . It validates me. Unfortunately this doesn't happen every weekend, so I keep trying other endeavors, but most of the time they don't involve humans, and therefore, FAIL.

I went to a Jeet Kune Do seminar in the park, only to have some guy cause massive damage to my thumb, which took months to heal. Apparently, it's true what they say about tiny guys and the need to prove something.

It's hard to live without a circle of friends. I try to cultivate it, but it fizzles on and off. My "buddies" are my training partners at the dojo, and Meetup people... but our relations are not deep.

So I am lucky when I get to be outside on a Saturday WITH PEOPLE, so then I can come back and code my videogames with a renewed enthusiasm.

Snowy Owl
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09 Feb 2011, 7:40 pm

Some weekends I go to the office and catch up on something I didn't finish or get ahead for the next week. Most weekends I just try to enjoy myself.
I don't mind my own housekeeping. It's relaxing. When I'm housekeeping, I listen to TED talks or some other lectures. My best friend who is religious says he's scared to knock on the door if he hears HItchens' voice.
I play video games. I spent an entire weekend on Plants vs Zombies.
Love/Hate relationship with Netflix now. Saps a lot of my time lately. TV shows that I missed because I don't have cable, like Eureka. Thoroughly enjoyed that. And Dexter.
Or I dig up shows I used to watch, such as Lexx or X files.
I'm still mad that I can't find Johnny Bravo free on Netflix.
I YouTube a lot for crane accidents, wild animals, animations, clips of world news and events, and this kid named KevJumba, he's funny.
Husband takes me to chinese dinner some Saturdays. Shrimp fried rice, always, but if I'm feelin' really wild - lemon chicken.
Mom and I go to casino sometimes. I wear earplugs, they are blue and shaped like cylindrical hexagons.
Spring and summer weekends I lose most of to the garden. I don't have anything just for looks, except a couple of pepper plants. We use a lot of mesh and when I get under it to weed or pick food, I kinda pretend I'm in my own little fort. I have a special outfit and hat that I wear. I have issues with the sun and the heat during the summertime, but every sunblock stinks and is sticky, so the special outfit is very light but blocks the sun and so does the hat. I put it on and spray bug-get-away on the cuffs and the hat.


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28 Oct 2013, 3:45 am

hautshot wrote:
I have given up on social interaction. I learned about AS May 2010. I am a 50 year female with no children. Before I found out about my condition I would make attempts to be with other people. I would join internet “meet up” groups for social interaction. I tried to have some friends. I tried to have boyfriends.

Now I am alone, no family, no friends. I accept my condition and accept that I don’t have to socialize anymore. I can just be myself. I have two cats and I really enjoy spending time with them.

I have a job and interact over the phone which I can tolerate. Most people at work are working in their cubicles and do very little social interaction.

I have been wondering how people with AS who are alone most of the time have fun or enjoyable times. For me, I am so looking forward to the summer. I bought an inflatable small pool for the back yard. I like water and I need to be outside in the sun for at least a few days.

I also bought a floating water chair so I can go to the lake and float around. I wish I had someone to do these activities with, but now I know I don’t have to force it. I’ll just back my little picnic and go to the lake by myself.

Now that I know I have AS, and I need to recover from social interactions (which are not that successful anyway), I have cancelled my “Meet up” subscriptions. No point in subscribing if I rarely go.


I'm not so sure it's a wise plan. When I first figured out I had AS a couple years ago (I'm 31 now) I gave up on dating as well. I gave up on trying to fit in and I gave up on socializing altogether. It's been over two years and I have never felt as lonely and depressed as now. What good does it do to "give up" ?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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31 Oct 2013, 6:27 pm

school during the week. then smoke a few doobs drink a few brews play some xbox maybe clean up a bit. "rub one off" then see the parents on the week end fun stuff!


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03 Nov 2013, 11:57 am

Chatting online, needlework while listening to music or NPR, Xbox, reading non-fiction, a bit of cooking for the coming week, watch some PBS, researching thing of interest on the internet.


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07 Nov 2013, 2:32 pm

Aside from being here? Eh, just looking at local stores, driving around...... and maybe finding some new wardrobe @ the thrift store.


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11 Nov 2013, 8:26 pm

If I had the discipline, I would get through my piles and heaps, repair broken things in the apartment, make frozen food for the next week and do a thorough cleaning........

Who has a discipline pill for sale?

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11 Nov 2013, 9:45 pm

Weekdays I have a few appts. with my counselors & such.
Weekends I've got nothing, no plans nor structure.
So I have to fill the time all by myself.

I do get terribly lonely, but I'm agoraphobic and hate having to go out. :(
So I type & read online, and sleep as much as possible to minimize the unhappy hours awake.

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12 Nov 2013, 2:07 am

I'm using my weekends to plot taking over the world and become a global despot.


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13 Nov 2013, 6:53 pm

Cleaning,laundry,visit my family,time with my man,the beach,hiking,having too much fun!