OTRS/CP and www.faaas.org
I don't agree with this.
The idea is about the distress experienced by an NT who has not had their conventional expectations of as relationship met. The fact that the autistic member of the relationship has problems of a different nature doesn't really have any impact on this. There should be no expectation of balance in this because it is about subjective experience. Rationally, the idea that the autistic person is under stress and has a lifetime of stresses is not relevant to a discussion of the emotional life of the NT partner. One person's pain does not invalidate another's.
This goes both ways: the subjective experience of the autistic partner does cannot invalidate the subjective experience of the NT partner and the subjective experience of the NT partner cannot invalidate the subjective experience of the autistic partner. This is true of all relationships of any kind.
But the material about OTRS is not trying to be primarily helpful or objective. The language demonizes autistic people with sweeping generalizations that no one attempting objectivity could employ. This is done in the name of validating the experience of traumatized NT partners, but it goes too far.
No one should deny the experiences and emotions of these suffering NT spouses and partners, and it's fine to explain the relationship between particular expressions of autism and these problems, but to go on to suggest that all NT/AS relationships are like this is just wrong. It doesn't help the suffering person. It doesn't help the relationship and it isn't true. Nor is it remotely ethical to ascribe the negative consequences of all sorts of co-morbidities in autistic people to their autism.
I deleted my last post because I wanted to rewrite to explain this better.
I'm not saying that talking about the experience of one partner invalidates the experience of the other. What I meant was that, it tends put all the blame of the relationship problems on only one partner instead of looking at how both partners contribute to the relationship problems.
I thought that this point would be fairly uncontroversial since that was one of the most common criticisms against CADD on WP in 2009 and before, at least it was in the threads that I participated in when discussing Maxine Aston's early books. In fact, I thought that it was also part of Ari Ne'eman's criticism when CADD started to be used to argue that AS people were not fit to have relationships or live in families as this quote from ASAN's response to Tony Attwood's reply to their 2009 petition illustrates:
The bolded parts are my emphasis. It's fine to validate the feelings of the NT partner but it's when this is stretched into assuming that all the problems are the fault of the other partner then that's when it becomes a problem.
I can agree with that!
That said, I thought Ari Ne'eman was wrong about Tony Attwood and kept arguing from extremes without acknowledging the nuanced language that Attwood was using. In a way, what Ne'eman was doing with Attwood reminded me of what FAAS was doing with autistic people in general--reframing everything in the most polarized way and taking something like the George W. Bush position: You are either with us, or you are against us, and we are about to bring in the heavy weaponry.
"I'm not saying that talking about the experience of one partner invalidates the experience of the other. What I meant was that, it tends put all the blame of the relationship problems on only one partner instead of looking at how both partners contribute to the relationship problems."
Hi Jono and Adamantium. I agree the above statement seems self evident, especially if you can imagine yourself marrying the finest person in the world (which I luckily did) vs. marrying Lizzie Borden's ax instructor (absurdum, I know). Thanks for the insight.
It seems we're all in much agreement in that there are perhaps valuable things to be learned (for our individual lives and introspections) from the OTRS/CP concept, but that much of that which is offered is pretty far "off the mark" for most of us and should be approached with some sceptsism and a grain of salt in hand. I know I have benefited from everyone's input (especially Adamantium and your's Waterfalls ) and since I feel I have little more to offer on this subject I will bow out and watch from the sidelines as more knowledgeable people "kick the can" if they will.
Thank you all for your insightful input . Love you all.