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27 May 2017, 5:29 am

Silvermantle wrote:
Having kids, especially the neurodiverse ones, is awesome. I get them; they get me. It's nice to live in a house where it feels like we're on the right planet.

Just loved reading that last bit.

Emu Egg
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27 May 2017, 12:18 pm

Silvermantle wrote:
Taking care of kids is lame, so many tedious, thankless tasks. Interfacing with teachers and school administrators is maddening. Do not even get me started about those PTA "female dogs". Having kids, especially the neurodiverse ones, is awesome. I get them; they get me. It's nice to live in a house where it feels like we're on the right planet.

I wholeheartedly agree. I have three kids on the spectrum, and I like living with them. I don't like kids in general, but I enjoy spending time with mine, especially when they got old enough to express their thoughts. I'm still working on that with my nonverbal boy, but we'll get there one day. Their questions are very interesting, sometimes fascinating. I'm quite bad at tedious tasks of mothering, (game time rules = who cares, eating balanced diet and tasting new things = hell no!...) but I think I'm good at explaining NT world to my kids. It's very comforting to come home where NT world is the strange place.


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07 Jun 2017, 4:58 pm

I've always been on the fence about it. Then I recently acquired step kids which I'm still trying to wrap my head around. Which reminds me I wanted to post on here asking if there are any other step-parents.



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07 Jun 2017, 5:05 pm


No desire to have little copies of me, none at all.

I wouldn't date anyone who had children either.

Just do not want anything to do with being a parent.

I babysit, always have since I was about 14, any family member knows I'm there if they need me and I'm great with kids, I just like giving them back too much to have my own.


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25 Jun 2017, 10:37 am

Perhaps it would shed some light on the potential sotuation of I shared my story.
I have a son who is 6 now. I'm divorded and see him only 3 hours a week.
Even though I love him and he is far beyond his peers when it domes to intelligence and strength. I'm often in awe of how superior he is in many ways. However, with reguards to having children, my ex gave me an ultimatum. I had problems handling dipersn it spiraked down from there. My inlaws took over child care more and more as I fumbled and tried to mmake it work. I have a good relationship with my son. I mean I let him actually do stuff, like play on all of my videogame concoles, pokemon stuff from when I was a kid etc. It might be my depression talking and my reaction to the divorce. I deeply regret having children. It does not give my life any more purpose, I don't feel I've acheived anything by it and I will never be able to be and do everything fatherhood demands. So, please for you and your potential childrens sake do not have any!


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26 Jun 2017, 8:23 pm

no. why would i want another mini-me in this cruel world?

it's okay to lose people but never lose yourself.


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26 Jun 2017, 8:56 pm

Lunella wrote:
No desire to spawn a crotch goblin. I'm part of a few pro child-free groups and donate to a child free charity which helps child free old people and suchlike.
My family are prone to post natal depression plus I don't see the point in bringing more life to such a f****d up planet. So many other reasons I could list, but you get the gist.

crotch goblin :lol:

Anyways I don't want kids either but more just don't want them and don't think I'd be very good at taking care of them and doubt I am financially stable enough to afford it, not so much because I don't want to bring more life to this least that is not on the top of my list.

We won't go back.


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26 Jun 2017, 9:16 pm

I was always afraid that any child of mine would be different, like me. That would be really unfair.


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28 Jun 2017, 1:27 pm

No, I have enough trouble with kids and their noisiness in public, wouldn't want to have to be responsible for a child's well being.

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19 Jul 2017, 2:29 pm

No. I just dont think I'd be able to handle the barrage of noise. Also, to be perfectly frank, I'm too selfish. To me, it seems like a stressful, thankless task. I wouldn't want to sign up for sleepless nights and working like a slave to provide and then, no matter how good you perform as a parent, the child will reach their teens and hate your guts. I have a lot of respect for anybody who'd sign up for parenthood.

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21 Jul 2017, 3:23 am

I have 3 and a step daughter. My wife and my children (all grown up) are all I have ever wanted or needed. Its the rest of the planet I have issues with.

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21 Jul 2017, 3:58 pm

What age would you say is the oldest somebody can have children by?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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02 Aug 2017, 12:00 am

I like kids. I'm terrible at interacting with them, but I like them.

Realistically, though, I don't think I'd be a good parent. Primarily, I am very narrowly focused on the things I'm interested in at the exclusion of all else, and a kid would take away the time I have to dedicate to those things. I'm also quite introverted; I like people well enough and enjoy socializing if included, but my natural, most comfortable state is solitude. And, finally, from a logistical standpoint, I am not romantically or sexually inclined in any way whatsoever. Nothing against it, just have never been even vaguely interested, and, at this point at 25, I think the ship for that part of my brain turning on has long since sailed. That makes kids even more unfeasible, since being a single parent would be 1) ton of work and 2) horribly expensive.

So, yeah, no kids.


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02 Aug 2017, 12:16 am

Nope, never have. I would make a terrible parent for many, many reasons, and I am repulsed by even the idea of... performing the act that creates children (of course, I'd also need a boyfriend/husband first... I don't know if even that is ever going to happen, not that I particularly mind if it doesn't). And I've just never really had the urge to have children in the first place.

Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
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02 Aug 2017, 12:45 am

NO! I knew back when I was only 4 years old that I never wanted to have children or ever get married. I am now 32 years old & I still feel exactly the same way. I like my life the way it is right now. I do not want any of the responsibilities that parenting or marriage requires. My entire life would be an absolute nightmare.

The Cat Ghost
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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02 Aug 2017, 5:56 pm

I never wanted kids. I was really sure of that. I chickened out on a referral appointment for "the snip" years back-level of not wanting kids. Then I found a NT lady I really love (who is 8 years younger than me, I'm 35, she is 27; and our maturity level matches really well) and we got married and had a kid. I don't know what made me change my mind but it just kinda felt right.

So yeah, fast forward to right now. My little guy is almost 11 months old and being a father is the greatest thing that has ever happened. Sure, it has thrown our life into a strange form of chaos, but there is something so amazing about a little person who is genuinely excited to see your face even if you just leave the room for a minute or two. Getting to know this little man has been my life's greatest privilege. Being able to spend time with a tiny person who looks a lot like me and genuinely enjoys my company has done an incalculable amount of good helping me build back up my self-confidence.

The way I see it, and I suppose the way it has turned out for me, my new "project/obsession" is my son and being a great father. It puts everything else I've ever obsessed about to shame.