Right on, Magna, and thanks for bringing this up. Sweetleaf--thanks for the Monty Python reference. Personally I thought their Holy Grail was funnier, though.
Max E., speaking from a Catholic perspective I can say that is dead wrong; we're not a racial religion and were founded on diversity by Jesus Christ, who after rejection by the Jewish people (they talked Pilate into crucifying him, for goodness' sakes; and we think our rejection is pretty tough!) Christianity was preached to both Jews and Gentiles alike. And the Gentiles are actually the rest of humanity so we're all in that boat.
Here's how it works, at least how I've seen it. Catholicism doesn't really have a sexual ethic; it has an anthropology of humankind that our seemingly strange sexual codes of ethics follow from.
I think it's kind of cheap to be lusting after someone even if you are married to them but that's just me.
But anyway, this actually goes with why artificial contraception and masturbation are considered wrong. Basically the husband & wife, when making love, are giving themselves entirely to the other and it is considered the fulness of married love. Really, quite beautiful; to me it's sexier than the idea of intercourse but you don't have to tell anyone I told you that.
So contraception takes that complete & total self-gift out of the picture--it's a gift of pleasure, but not a gift of self really, because there's no longer that sporting chance on new life. And back to masturbation, well, that takes the other person out of the picture, and that's an "intrinsically disordered" thing to do in this mindset because that ruins the whole purpose of it and for us, using anything for the wrong purpose is not right. Terry Pratchett wasn't Catholic--in fact he was an atheist and anything but--yet he wrote the most wonderful quote: "Evil begins when you start treating people like things." I love it.
Maybe that makes sense, maybe it doesn't, but that is how it was intended to work for us. Now the words "intrinsically disordered" don't mean "you are a disgusting pervert; have fun in hell." What they mean by that is basically "out of its proper relation to its end." We're a very teleological people.
Which incidentally is why homosexuality and a number of other things are considered intrinsically disordered in Catholic thought, but disordered people are considered--well, we don't consider them; they're like regular folks to us and we don't mind having them round. They just have a particularly difficult go of it, like the straight man who masturbates a lot, or the scrupulous lady who thinks every action of hers is a sin and loses herself in despair, or like me, who can't tell the difference between my own personality and autism...
I'm "intrinsically disordered" by the rules of the Church. I have been very suicidal in my life. That's disordered. It's despair. An unforgivable sin...to despair is to discard the Holy Spirit and to believe our problems are bigger than God. But the only way to get out of that is to quit despairing--it's easy if you try, like John Lennon's "Imagine" but actually wholesome--and I'm not too worried about this today.
Really that's all--I recommend that anyone really curious about Catholicism's take on it should go read from some of our readily available books found on line for free (don't spend a bunch on Catholic books; we're not the Scientologists)
and if you want to learn what Protestants think then heaven (or alcohol, lots of alcohol) help you because there are a couple thousand churches to dig through and that's a right mess.
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