I have lived by myself for the last decade, for the most part.
From the time I was 20 until the time I was 25, I was making my own living. I was pulling in the big bucks, working a great job with excellent benefits, 50 hour weeks at $16 an hour, pulling out 150% production standards on the job night after night.
What have I become now?
SSDI is my primary source of income these days. It is enough to cover my bills, rent, utilities, Internet, and put food on my table.
I would love to work full-time again, but the reality is that good jobs with medical benefits are ridiculously hard to find these days. And I do need medical benefits, I don't want to risk losing my Medicare because (as crappy as it is) it's better than no coverage at all. Without my medications, I would be no good to anybody.
I somehow just can't shake the feeling that I am taking and taking from society, and not giving back enough, despite the fact that I do volunteer at several organizations, despite the fact that I am taking college courses to improve myself. It just feels a hell of a lot different than the days when I was making my own living.
I am 30 now, and I really hope that my life eventually amounts to something more than being parasitic. Heh.
So, that's how I feel about my existence at the present moment.