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06 Nov 2009, 9:18 am

This was to my wife.

This is what socialization is.

A person is raised to comform to certain values and norms to a given society. What happens if this said person is sensitive to this and attempts to follow the moral and legal code 100% of the way. They attempt to do no wrong. If they do anything wrong it puts a servere burden on them. These people feel like the world has ended.

These people conclude they can't make any mistake at all. The system demands perfection from them. Even the school system says you can't make a mistake. The entertainment industry says a person has only one shot. Even the politicans have said this. This person as he grows older realizes more and more it can't be complied with 100%. It is logically impossible to comply 100%. It is logically impossible to be responsible 100% for everything like the advocates for self-responsibility demand. It is logically impossible to expect everything that can be unexpected like the advocates for self-responsibility demand. This person eventually rips off his psychological chains.

This system's moral and legal code is so extensive, convoluted, and complicated that one cannot truly be a moral, legal, upstanding citizen all of them time. The truth is there are only 2 ways to comply with this system's demands 100% of the time like the advocates for self-responsibility demand. The law abiding citizen is a myth.

1. Through Death
2. This person buys a plot of land, withdraws from society completely, and has little to no human contact.

These are the only ways to comply with the advocates for self-responsibility's demands. This is one reason this person wants to put a bullet to their head or wants to withdraw from society completely.

Sweetie, this is one of the main reasons why I said nothing can be done for me in the throes of my meltdown and anger. I've made too many mistakes. In this system I can't make one mistake. This is why nothing can be done for me. I don't know how to comply 100%


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06 Nov 2009, 9:20 am

There are two types of people. One type are the ones who need be around alot of people. They need to work with others. Some of these types need to be the leaders. There is the other type. This type needs autonomy. I am one of the types that need autonomy. I cannot be around too many people but society demands it these days. I need 100% autonomy.

I cannot meet the advocate for self-responsibility's demands. These people demand that you follow directions and to get it right the first time. These people demand perfection. This is what the employers of today demand. No human being can meet this demand. The truth is they demand us all to be law abiding citizens. There is one problem. The moral code of our society is so demanding no one can truly be 100% moral and law abiding.

They demand you to be 100% responsible. They demand you to expect the unexpected. Can you be 100% responsible for all things that happen to you? Can you expect all unexpected things when there are infinite amount of things that can be unexpected especially in our fast paced society which we call America?

I am Oversocialized. Socialization is the process in which one is reared up to comform to the rules of a given society. What happens if this affects a person deeply in which they can't make a mistake. They have to follow every rule to the tight letter. What happens if this causes this person to become irresponsible just like the narcissist. It's two sides of the same coin. What happens if this person tries to purge out their entitlement tendencies so much like the advocates demand that they achieve the sense of non-entitlement but really it's the inverse form of it. Instead of Sense of entitlment+ for narcissists this person achieves sense of entitlement - by trying to much to purge the sense of entitlement. What if the advocates are the true narcissists? This person must rip off his psychological chains someway, somehow.

The truth is this society is too complicated for me. Most people are vague in how they speak. They talk in a round-about and double-speak way. I don't understand it and I don't understand them. They're liars, connivers, scumbags, and narcissists. Most people here hate the poor and they hate the needy. They stomp them to the ground. The truth is I want to withdraw from society completely and I'm thinking of making plans to do so. I cannot deal in it anymore because most people are like psychic vampires to me. They're fake and they're phony. This society demands you to be something you're not. As a metaphorhical example I am expected to be a dog when I am a cat.

The truth is these advocates for self-responsibility are evil. They give you vague directions and they fire you if you cannot follow them if they are vague. They're true narcissists. I see through their evil. I see through their wicked ways.

Is there anywhere I can learn surival skills including growing my own food and building my own shelter and making my own clothes and living off the land and I'll have a bible with me as well? Maybe I can finally achieve peace within myself this way


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06 Nov 2009, 11:35 am

awesome idea, you really dont need cars, computers a big fancy house and all that luxury stuff to be happy, but i doubt any human can be just as happy alone as with others, human interaction cant be replaced, its just the way we are.

yeah you can be totally happy alone but if you can share that with others wouldnt you be even happier ?, i hope you see what i mean.

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06 Nov 2009, 12:09 pm

Nobody can comply to all the unwritten rules. But most people can comply to all the law's rules, and, to be honest, most of society's rules that ain't in lawbooks are arbitrary garbage. It's obvious that you can and should put a little extra effort in tightening the o'l straightjacket around bosses 'n such, but people you CHOOSE to be around, for whatever reason, shouldn't be the people telling you to obey.
You're you. You're unable to conform. Heck, you should be unwilling, looking at all the ridiculous excess we have in the western world.

You really shouldn't be told that you should restrain yourself in your own home..I mean..bwuh! Just be VERY selective about the people you spend time with. Either people laugh at me from a distance, or the laugh with me 3 feet away.

If society demands it, conform to get money. I'm sorry, but if you can't act socially acceptable to get money, you're gonna have to either find a 1-man job as a factory drone or something, or apply for yer welfare cheque...
But don't think you should be a lying, backstabbing slimeslug in yer own home. There's duty and choice. Some people are able to bite the bullet and do their duty to get as much money as they need, some ain't. But they shouldn't be doing jobs that involve people.


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10 Nov 2009, 6:57 am

Love your post Cubedemon.
I am oversocialized as well and have been for a very long time, even since i was young.
All i want to do is go live in a remote place and never have to deal with all these NT parasites.


Sea Gull
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21 Nov 2009, 10:15 pm

cubedemon6073 wrote:
This was to my wife.

These are the only ways to comply with the advocates for self-responsibility's demands. This is one reason this person wants to put a bullet to their head or wants to withdraw from society completely.

Sweetie, this is one of the main reasons why I said nothing can be done for me in the throes of my meltdown and anger. I've made too many mistakes. In this system I can't make one mistake. This is why nothing can be done for me. I don't know how to comply 100%

Actually, suicide is illegal too. Of course they can't prosecute you but it's still illegal.


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21 Nov 2009, 10:20 pm

cubedemon6073 wrote:

Is there anywhere I can learn surival skills including growing my own food and building my own shelter and making my own clothes and living off the land and I'll have a bible with me as well? Maybe I can finally achieve peace within myself this way

Actually yes. Google survivalist groups. There are a bunch of survivalists who live for TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it). There are a buttload of those groups out in the redneck country where I live. If you are really serious about wanting to find some contact info, PM me and I'll get you some info on them. But it's not really as fun as it sounds. I got into it a little before Y2K and was VERY dissapointed when nothing happend, so I said forget it.

Michael Hyatt has a book about Y2K that talks about some survivalist issues and has lots of info. I have the book. It might be in print still. Anyway, Our friend Bud is way into that, even going as far as to buy a house up in Holly Pond in nowhere and getting a generator and a wood stove etc.

PM me if you are REALLY interested in that stuff.



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22 Nov 2009, 3:36 pm

PaganMom wrote:
cubedemon6073 wrote:
This was to my wife.

These are the only ways to comply with the advocates for self-responsibility's demands. This is one reason this person wants to put a bullet to their head or wants to withdraw from society completely.

Sweetie, this is one of the main reasons why I said nothing can be done for me in the throes of my meltdown and anger. I've made too many mistakes. In this system I can't make one mistake. This is why nothing can be done for me. I don't know how to comply 100%

Actually, suicide is illegal too. Of course they can't prosecute you but it's still illegal.


Last time I checked, we didn't yet have a world-wide government with universally identical laws. We don't even have that within the U.S., for those of us in the U.S.

A little internet checking suggests it's not generally considered a crime. Here's a couple links. ... st-the-law

not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.