harlequinsenor wrote:
ShadesOfMe wrote:
harlequinsenor wrote:
They thought you were attractive and expressed it yet this angered you... no wonder I'm so afraid of girls.
ahhh. No, They expressed it, but then they took it back. (By saying "I *thought* she was a Chula) either way it's not considered exactly nice to whistle at women.
Would you have been angry if they had not taken it back?
I find it very hard to understand. Before this year, men never did such things concerning me, I was against it, but I didn't know how it felt. Now i'm even more against it. Now, it doesn't happen a lot, but it does happen enough to frighten me. One time, I was walking to the park (another thing I started doing this year) and I passed a hotel, just a little one where the occasional tourist goes, medium seediness. any way, a man in a car pulled out and started following me real slow. he then said "Hey baby you need a ride?" I said no, and kept walking. He said "are you sure you don't need a ride...I can take you anywhere you need to go." and he looked me up and down. It was really scary. I would never get into a car with a strange man, especially if he looked at me like that. I really don't think a trip in his car was the ride he wanted.
I don't mind if you want to say "you look nice today." or "you are pretty." Especially if I know you. but if you are a man i don't know, who wants to make either outright lewd comments, or sexual inferences, please don't. it''s frightening.
I guess I should have said "Men." I meant "some men." I'm very lucky to have nice loving men in my life. All my male friends (meaning all my friends) My Father stepfather, Boyfriend, and brother, and my brothers uncle are all very nice men, real gentlemen.
Just in general, I wish people remember that stuff like that can be frightening. We've been sexualized, discriminated and degraded for so long, that especially in today's time we need to get the message out that women are people too, and deserve to be treated as such, not just walking beauty objects.
I love wrongplanet. People are really helpful on here, even if they have different opinions.