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21 Oct 2009, 9:41 pm

While it's not great that , at 49 , I get an SSI/D chack and am dependent upon it , neverthless I am .
The hospital program I'm " with " sneaked behind me and got named my payee .
I want to get the money back...( Put bare minimum up . Very limited time . )


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23 Oct 2009, 7:02 pm

...I didn't ask to be on SSI/D .
It happened because of things which happened TO me , almost 30 years ago :cry: .
Then , in years after that , I tended to not be allowed to have solid enough ground under me , as I see it , to start anything - When I was approaching the position of maybe being able to " start someting " in the " conventional " sense , the rug would be pulled out from under me :cry: !


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23 Oct 2009, 8:28 pm

Explain further, I do not understand what you're saying.


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30 Oct 2009, 8:00 am

Well, the direct route is usually the best.

I would start by telling them that you want to be named the beneficiary, and demand that they do something to have it changed back. Give them a time limit like 2 weeks.

If that fails, call up the local police, and say that the hospital is stealing your money, and you would like to have them written up for fraud, and theft. Simply getting the police involved should probably scare the hospital into giving you your check back.


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01 Nov 2009, 11:36 pm

Well if you are in a program then I am guessing that the doctor there must have filled a form saying that you were incapable of being your own payee and/or the program routinely takes their clients SSI checks as 'payment' and you might not have understood or even really known this. I would contact Social Security to see exactly how your payee status was changed and I would also contact your behavioral health provider on your insurance card and see if the program you are in is one that is legally allowed to take the SSI payments of their clients in exchange for room/board/services. I know it will be a pain because contacting these agencies is usually a pain, though there do tend tend to be a few helpful people in the bunch.

But unfortunately I am guessing that they are doing this in a legal way, though it probably seems shady. But I could be wrong. If the program technically isn't supposed to be handling your SSI but went behind your back to say that you are incapable of handling your own money then I guess I would try to get some sort of advocate through a local non-profit that works with people with disabilities and such to help you explain your situation to Social Secuirty. Or you can contact one either way just to check out consumer opinions on the program you are in and etc.


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25 Nov 2009, 10:16 pm

...I've got more to say :? ...No time , mebbe?? , to even read the newer replies that've sprung up :) :lol: ! !! !! !! !! !!


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30 Nov 2009, 10:19 pm

(P)ASS-P the check topic

Still an enigma, he is. :roll:

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02 Dec 2009, 5:54 pm

Tracker wrote:
Well, the direct route is usually the best.

I would start by telling them that you want to be named the beneficiary, and demand that they do something to have it changed back. Give them a time limit like 2 weeks.

If that fails, call up the local police, and say that the hospital is stealing your money, and you would like to have them written up for fraud, and theft. Simply getting the police involved should probably scare the hospital into giving you your check back.

The Police won't do anything since what's happening isn't a 'crime' in the sense of drug dealing or pick-pocketing, or strong-arm robbery. I would suggest finding a disability rights lawyer who will work with ASS-P pro bono, and filing a lawsuit against the hospital in question in order to get the SSDI payments reverted to him. --As a general rule, Hospitals hate to get involved in lawsuits that may garner them negative publicity.

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02 Dec 2009, 10:44 pm

...As things are now , I am counting down to making myself homeless next Tuesday 8O :? , to " force the issue " , for one , take away their " It's for your room ! " excuse...


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07 Dec 2009, 9:50 pm

...Well :( , as I said in my other , Main , topic , it's tomoorow now :twisted: :roll: :( ...

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09 Jan 2010, 10:00 pm

ASS-P wrote:
...As things are now , I am counting down to making myself homeless next Tuesday 8O :? , to " force the issue " , for one , take away their " It's for your room ! " excuse...

That would be a big mistake. The only thing you will accomplish is to give the hospital people proof that "you are incapable of taking care" of yourself. You definitely need to contact Social Security and (or) get a lawyer somehow.

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