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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 Dec 2010, 8:41 pm

I have never enjoyed Christmas, and I have never understood the appeal of it beyond feeling that most people are emotionally attached to it because of the memories of doing it their whole life, and they seem to subconciously understand maybe that their loved ones would be disappointed if they discontinued the tradition or didn't participate in the family event.
But ever since my teen years, I have not identified myself as Christian, even though my family is very Catholic. My not being Christian is not some sort of rebellious behavior or something, I have nothing against Christians, maybe I have something against the abuse of power and authority by Church heirarchy, but that's another story.
I just don't understand the joy in exchanging items, which usually aren't going to be items that you personally wish to have even, or that the person you are exchanging them wishes to have, you are left to simply guess at what the other person might like to have. This is why people earn their own money and buy their own things, so that they can get what they actually want. The whole thing seems a capitalist scam to me, put on to get people to buy products that otherwise would not be bought, and to reinforce indoctrination into a fading religious system.
I have expressed to my family that I do not wish to participate in Christmas several years in a row, and they are initially accepting toward the idea, and then when the time draws near to actually deal with me not participating, they are dismissive of the whole thing, as if I had never said anything at all, and when I remind them that I don't want to participate, they act as though I am being selfish and say that I should be the one to make the sacrifice 'just once a year', as if I don't care about them or their traditions. But I feel like as a non_Christian, I am more than reasonable. I participate in Easter, Thanksgiving, birthdays (which I don't understand the need to celebrate either), and all the other made-up excuses to celebrate. But the one time a year that I would like to be left alone to do my thing, I am somehow at fault.
So what I want to know is, am I being unreasonable without knowing it, and does anyone else here feel the same way I do?

I have decided this year to just be absent from all family celebrations of Christmas, some of my family members have tried to contact me through Facebook, by calling, and by texting me, but I have not responded. I don't want to have to hide out every year in order to get away from something that I don't understand, and which causes me great anxiety and makes me very uncomfortable.
What should I do?


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29 Dec 2010, 10:58 pm

I tried that once and it was lonely and boring.

What bothers me about christmas is not christmas itself but if there's too much drinking. My family members have said or done silly things in the past, and a few still do that, and it gets to the point that I need to walk away and get fresh air for a while. Also it can get socially overwhelming and I need a break or a snooze.

The worst part about that time of year is the month afterwards when I get really bored and it's so hot!

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02 Jan 2011, 6:33 pm

huggs wrote:
I have never enjoyed Christmas, and I have never understood the appeal of it
What should I do?

I don't know that there's anything you should do, but as a practical matter, if you're going to refuse to participate in something as culturally entrenched as Christmas is, then I think you're going to have to expect some backlash.

All the reasons you gave for disliking Christmas are true enough, but they're almost missing the point. For most people, Christmas is a very festive, joyful time, and there are lots of reasons for that, as well. If you don't feel them, well then you don't. You can't force it.

But just be prepared to get the backlash that you've already experienced.


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10 Jan 2011, 6:48 am

I have never been alone at Christmas.

I have always had family or friends around me.
Yet for some reason Christmas makes me feel sad and alone.

I don't know why but there it is.

Perhaps it is because I am an Aspie and I can't really join in to the "bonding" that other people feel.

I don't feel that "bonding" so I feel alone and an outsider.