jagatai wrote:
. . . But it is hard to think of things you don't normally think about so you need to create a situation that adds an element of randomness to your life. If you like road trips, you can take out a map and randomly pick a location and drive there. If you like weird old stuff, find an antique store, preferably one you've never been to, and go there just to look around. The key is to circumvent your habits. Do something you wouldn't normally do. Go watch a movie that is different from your usual tastes. Eat at a restaurant you've never been to. Do one of the things that someone suggests on this thread, no matter how boring it sounds.
My immediate reaction to my own advice is to get anxious at having to do something I am not familiar with. Don't put yourself into a situation that is very stressful, but push yourself into the unknown a little. . .
For me, this generally works more early in the day on Saturday.
For the evening, I sometimes make it back home relatively early like 6:00 or 7:00 with a combo of projects. I'll have projects purely on the fun side, like videos from the library and Blockbuster. I'll have medium-fun/medium-intellectual projects like responding on WrongPlanet and on other sites (and I'd really like to find a good movie site if you can recommend one), perhaps a little essay writing, a little speech practice, ever so occasionally some fiction writing, which I'd like to do more of. And then I'll have projects which are more solidly on the intellectual side. For example, lately I've been getting interested in medicine and considering going into medical journalism. So, for example, I might have both John Barry's excellent book "The Great Influenza" (1918 was an outlier event, just a question of how much of an outlier) and a section in a relatively recent biology textbook from Half-Price Books. So, I'll move between all this projects as the feeling strikes me. Sometimes it a lot of fun, I'll watch some of a fun movie, seriously study soe, watch some more of a fun movie, seriously study. Or, perhaps at 11:30 I'll find myself in the midst of a writing project I really want to finish that night and I'll end up staying up later than I had initially planned to, and that's kind of neat, too.