I know I'm sensitive regarding taste, smell, touch and sounds - and I've wondered lately about this issue as well, whether my sight is sensitive as well...
I know that I notice sounds other people don't (and react to them differently), and can't bear noise.
I know that I'm sensitive to touch because of how I react when people touch me, and because of my problem touching things.
I know that I'm sensitive to taste because I don't like many things, and can always notice if a formula of a snack is changed, or who made my meal, etc., when others don't.
I know that I'm sensitive to smell because I can tell if a shirt came from my aunt's house because of its smell, and asked other people and they can't tell smells of different houses.
So that lead me to thinking that not everyone is as sensitive as me to light...
Whenever I turn the lights on in my room, my eyes hurt a bit, I have to close them for a while, or blink. Also when I open my windows and the light comes in. But for all those years, I never guessed it's unusual... I can't stare at the sun, but I thought it's normal.
As for the sun feeling itself, I don't like it, only when it's after a long time, for a short while. I hate the feeling of heat, I never leave my house in the summer until it's dark, it's too hot for me. The irony is that I live in Israel, a short walk from the beach (which I love - in the winter!), and my skin is Southern European kind, tans easily and never burns. When I'm out in the sun I get all irritated, but that's also to the touch sensitivity I guess.
Oh, and I also feel much happier and better with colder temperature and dark clouds.