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04 Jul 2010, 3:10 pm

I live in a condominium complex and I live across the street from two neighbors who are gay and they seemed nice when I first moved in 7 months ago. However, the trouble recently started when I came home from getting together with a friend and went to visit my favorite cat when I ran into one of the people. He then started asking me this question that I was going around talking about personal stuff. I had told him no and he had told me that his partner didn't want to talk to me himself because he is hot head. So, they have been acting like children to me for about a week instead of telling me how they feel. For instance, today I went over to my friend's car to pick up some stuff for my holiday party and the guy who told me all this stuff asked me, "Have you told the truth yet?" I replied back by saying, "I'm sorry but I don't speak." He then went on to harass me by mentioning that Christians don't lie and then told my friends in front of me not to trust me because I lie behind other people's backs.

I then told them to shut up and "Got to hell," I was so mad. He then taunted me even worse by saying, "Oh, that's real Christian of you too." I then said, "This is my neighborhood now leave me the f*&^% alone." He then went away and left me alone.

Later, I went to go meet another friend outside, and his partner stood in his breezeway and was watching me with is hands on his hips.

What do I do about bullying neighbors who don't want me here because I have AS.


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04 Jul 2010, 3:53 pm

Law enforcement perhaps?

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04 Jul 2010, 3:59 pm

I would not bring in law enforcement just yet. Since you have their names and know where they live, an nice curt letter telling them that you have not been saying anything in front of them, that they are being informed that you feel that they are harassing you, and that they are not to talk to you anymore and that if they ignore this letter, you will seek legal action to obtain a restraining order forcing them to stop.


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04 Jul 2010, 4:12 pm

Are any of the accusations against you true? Or have you done anything that they have mis-interpreted the way they are interpreting it?

I think sometimes people with AS can say something without realizing others might have an issue with it, because we tend to have different takes on social situation than others do.

Just the other day I got into a heated conversation with my sister over whether what someone said was inappropriate. She thought yes, I thought no.

I think your situation should have been handled differently from the beginning. When they first accused you, you should have calmly asked them to state exactly what it was they think you said, and where they heard that you said it from. Then, if you actually did say something, but didn't intend it the way they believe you did, you should have told them you think there was a miscommunication.

It's usually best to initially try to work with someone who is mad if they indicate they are open to dialogue, to reach a peaceful resolution.

I'm not sure if you have passed the point of that being feasible or not with these men. Despite their childish behavior I think it's still worth a try to reconcile.

As a matter of last resort, if they do not care to reconcile and they continue to harass you, just tell them that if they keep harassing you you're going to file a complaint with the police.


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04 Jul 2010, 5:01 pm

It sounds like they're playing games by harassing you.

I'd do as the previous poster said and send them a courtesy letter asking them to stop; and if they just blow you off and continue to persist in aggravating you, then seek legal action against them for harassment.


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04 Jul 2010, 5:07 pm

I knew a guy who was being harrassed by this idiot so he got a picture of the guy off face book cropped it to look like a mug shot picture. He then got a hold of one of those sex offender flyers they send out and re-created the fonts and template putting the guys photo on it then went from mail box to mail box so every house on the block got one. It had the guys name, address, and sex crime on it. Every house got one but the guy who harrassed him. He even gave one to the guys land lord who kicked him out because people were throwing rocks through his windows. this is highly illegal so I suggest do not do it but he got rid of his bully. :wink:


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04 Jul 2010, 5:43 pm

Invincible wrote:
It sounds like they're playing games by harassing you.

I'd do as the previous poster said and send them a courtesy letter asking them to stop; and if they just blow you off and continue to persist in aggravating you, then seek legal action against them for harassment.

Make sure not to make it sound threatening or like you are talking down to them. Be polite as possible. You know what they say catch more flys with honey than vineager. :wink:

If they persist in harrassing you contact the land lord. My father use to rent out several houses he had two houses next to oneanother one of the renters was aggravating the other he was having loud get togethers and just would be verbally abusive the other neighbor. The nice renter sent us a letter complaining to my father about the abuse along with copies of three police reports. He also sent us some polaroids of garbage in the yard and damage to the house caused by the other renters parties so my dad evicted the party boy renter.

Do not be afraid to write your landlord addressing the situation. Make sure to document everything with exact times and dates. If police are involved get their cards they carry and make copies of all police reports. If your two trouble maker neighbors are harrassing any other tenents in your building get them to write letters as well.


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04 Jul 2010, 7:00 pm

They sound rather paranoid. I've heard of a woman who wold try to assault kids if they touched a blade of grass on her lawn. She was so ill that she tried to poison some of her neighbors and was thus arrested. Sort of a cross between being a stalker and being a recluse.

Also, my understanding is that religious beliefs are a primary against gay rights. The fact that they were taunting you about being a christian leads me to believe that it's something about that. Makes me glad I'm not religious.

The best course of action would be to just ignore them. Don't do anything to agitate them, so that if they do anything illegal, it is blatantly their fault.

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05 Jul 2010, 7:44 pm

Apera wrote:
The best course of action would be to just ignore them. Don't do anything to agitate them, so that if they do anything illegal, it is blatantly their fault.

I think Miyah is trying to ignore them, but the problem is the fact that they're the ones who are provoking the agitating.


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07 Jul 2010, 2:15 pm

Apera wrote:
They sound rather paranoid. I've heard of a woman who wold try to assault kids if they touched a blade of grass on her lawn. She was so ill that she tried to poison some of her neighbors and was thus arrested. Sort of a cross between being a stalker and being a recluse.

Also, my understanding is that religious beliefs are a primary against gay rights. The fact that they were taunting you about being a christian leads me to believe that it's something about that. Makes me glad I'm not religious.

The best course of action would be to just ignore them. Don't do anything to agitate them, so that if they do anything illegal, it is blatantly their fault.

I am a Christian but I am not religious because I have had several friends in the past who were homosexuals. I would never in anyway ever even think of showing hate toward anyone like that because people have discriminated against me for having developmental disabilities.

However, yes they are very paranoid and often make up stories about other people and I have noticed that one of them has changed his story towards other people several times about how they like them one minute, and the next they don't because they did such and such and such wrong. These guys even made comments about a neighborhood cat being racist in that he runs from all African Americans.


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07 Jul 2010, 4:14 pm

You could subscribe them to Playboy magazine.


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07 Jul 2010, 6:11 pm

takemitsu wrote:
You could subscribe them to Playboy magazine.

You mean Playgirl.

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09 Jul 2010, 1:32 pm

i would simply ignore them and contact the landlord each time they feel it necessary to be abusive or otherwise moronic. sorry you have this going on. that's not a good situation. i seriously do not grasp why adults find it acceptable to act like grade-school children, and seem to thrive on starting drama and enjoy machiavellian backstabbing.


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15 Jul 2010, 2:59 am

Ignore Ignore Ignore

It sounds to me like they are a couple of queen bi*^#es, don't let it get to you they probably have few real friends.

Don't let it colour your response to other gay people and enjoy life

peace j

Just because we can does not mean we should.

What vision is left? And is anyone asking?

Have a great day!

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15 Jul 2010, 2:14 pm

If you truly said nothing to anybody else, then you have nothing to fear. Ignore them as they are drama queens who need an audience for their theatrics.

If you did say something to somebody, even off-handedly, it may have gotten to them, but in a twisted sort of way, like playing the kid's game "telephone" (you know, the first kid whispers a phrase into the next kid's ear, and on down the line until it becomes completely twisted around into something else). Since any further participation from you would only muddy the situtation, not clear it up, I would do as another poster suggested and try to contact their landlord about their bizarre behavior.

Truthfully, they sound childish and somewhat mentally ill. They don't have a problem with your condition, they have a problem with theirs, otherwise why care what's said?

I can be a bit obstinant, so I would be taking their picture when they take threatening poses. Tell 'em you're starting a facebook page for flaming drama queens, and you need pictures for the "don't be like this" category. Well, don't say that, unless you want a catfight. Just take the picture and don't make a sound. Then show it to their landlord as proof of harrassment.