Unaware and looking for information.
Hi everyone. I am here for information, and unfortunately I have to be brief.
I had a difficult time coping with a new Middle School environment, but I was always told that they just had trouble coping with me. It helped me hold my head up long enough to transfer to another high school when we moved to another city.
I was discharged from the Army after a sudden loss of motivation and a failed urinalysis. I topped out the asvab and was trained in every aspect of an infantry soldier to expert levels. They said they had big plans for me in the Iraq war.
I attempted college 3 times and with each, 2 traditional four year and 1 2-year, lost motivation halfway through.
I have never seemed to have trouble with friendships after primary school, but alcohol and other intoxicants have always played a significant role in my life, which led me to drift between social environments.
And finally, I always seem to know what someone meant by what they said after almost 24 hours when it occurs to me spontaneously. The same is true with what I believed to be potential sexual encounters, as well as arguments and general discussion.
In conclusion, I don't mean to cloud the forum with what could be called typical depression related symptoms, but at the same time would like to know if testing for AS would be worth the time and, from what I have read, potential years worth of dealing with the results.
Thanks for your time
Though you might have social problems, and might have some processing issues, you haven't stated anything that that presents a particularly strong argument for AS, though I'm not entirely sure you've stated anything that excludes it either.
People with AS tend to have issues from birth, and aside from social difficulties, we tend to have certain stereotypical repetitive movements and/or show an "abnormally intense" focus in certain subjects of interest, among other things.
While not part of the diagnostic criteria in the US, people with AS tend to have high verbal IQ's and low performance IQ's, and may be somewhat clumsy or have an awkward gate, though not always, or not to a degree that others notice. Adults may grow out of, or learn to disguise certain traits, but the traits were present as a child.
Social issues are actually just one small aspect of AS. There are other things which cause social issues, and as far as depression and apathy, pot can certainly cause that.
I appreciate the replies, and they make sense.
Perhaps I was looking in the wrong area after all. I agree, most of my symptoms represent only a small part of AS since I don't remember having the movements, fixation, or other signs mentioned, so I will continue to work on my social issues through other venues.
Thanks for the information, and Merry Christmas.