I recently tried to get a new non driver's id and couldn't get one because you need 6 points worth of documents and I have a maximum of 3-4 points. I don't know how to get more. I have a birth certificate (0 points but proof of age), social security card (2 points), ged (1 point), and a credit card if it counts (1 point). It's prepaid and has my name but no signature. It's also about to expire and I'm not getting a new one because it costs $6 a month. I have my old id but to count it has to be expired less than 2 years and it's been almost a decade.
Surely there must be a way around this. People with less stuff than me must get ids somehow.
I'm not working, am not on welfare (the lady at the dmv even asked me if I had a benefit card
), and don't have a bank account (can't get one with no id) so I don't think I can even get anything else on their list. A lot of documents you can use are related to work, welfare, or banking. I don't even know if I could get a job or apply for things like welfare or social security with no id.