mntn13 wrote:
Does anyone have any advice for dealing with scary people? I mean someone who has recently exited jail who may want to get revenge for something. I have to help someone with getting away form these people and I am, ahem, concerned, that I may be vulnerable to attack of some kind. I live alone except for my little kid and I don't know any neighbors because around here no one wants to have anything to do with neighbors.
mntn, assuming you live in the US, where we still have the right to defend ourselves, I'd recommend getting a big caliber handgun, like a .357 magnum revolver, going out and practicing with it, and understanding EXACTLY the circumstances under which your state allows you to defend yourselves.
No matter where you live, the police can't watch you 24/7. If you live in a place where guns are forbidden to law-abiding citizens, I don't know what to tell you besides call the police and express your concerns. Make sure a police report is filed. That way in case something does happen, the police will know exactly who to look for.
Good luck.