I remained undiagnosed until my mid-thirties. I remember that it was such a relief to have a cohesive explanation for the quirks and problems of my life until than. Over the years I had developed this "life story" about why I was the way I was. I had come up with all these theories, incidences from my past, possible mental illnesses. I went to psychiatrists and got all kinds of medication, but nothing was able to change the fundamental me. Once I come across AS, which thinking back I cannot remember, and started reading people experiences, thought and feelings, I felt such relief; I felt like I was no longer alone, at least in a global context. The end result is that I was able to abandon all the former constructs of my life (not all at once, still working) and make real progress toward happiness in my life.
Those are my initial reflections at 7am on a Saturday. Please don't flame me if this topic has been done before (I KNOW there's a search function! (lol)
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.
Aspie score: 159 of 200 NT score: 64 of 200