If you could talk to yourself when you were a kid...

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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28 Jul 2007, 12:44 am

"Don't worry, life isn't so different from snowboarding. There's a lot of falling on your ass, but you still wind up laughing eventually."

*me: blinks at strange advice-dispensing crazy man*


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28 Jul 2007, 7:04 pm

Don't listen to your mom, don't listen to your dad, listen to your teachers, and trust your gut.


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29 Jul 2007, 8:57 am

I would tell myself about AS and to hit on some really strange girls so i wouldn't end up alone and buy stock in microsoft,wal-mart and a few others.
to Quit school at 16 and work full time plus some to get money as soon as possable to invest it and definately don't start smoking, lift weights so nobody would dare give me any s**t/crap

I didn't take much abuse as a kid, mostly everyone just ignored me, including my own family.


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29 Jul 2007, 9:05 am

don't let those bastards get away with it!


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29 Jul 2007, 9:28 am

Woman wrote:
Don't listen to your mom, don't listen to your dad, listen to your teachers, and trust your gut.

Occupation: Student/Substitute Teacher

nothing personal, but there is nothing different between parents and teachers, you might have some soft spot for teachers because you ran across one that took an interest in you, but most aren't any different than parents. NT's are self serving creatures who only care about themselves, parents want their kids to do good so they get a warm & fuzzy feeling that they did a good job as a parent, teachers are in it for the money and looking to advance in their careers, all people are is users and if they can use little kids to get what they want, they will.

I ain't ever heard of one teacher volunteering to work for free during the summer to help tutor kids that aren't doing good in school, not one single program going in the country where teachers from the burbs volunteer during the summer to help inner city kids get ahead or kids from the burbs who aren't doing good keep up.

Pileated woodpecker
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30 Jul 2007, 10:57 am

Johnnie wrote:
NT's are self serving creatures who only care about themselves, parents want their kids to do good so they get a warm & fuzzy feeling that they did a good job as a parent, teachers are in it for the money and looking to advance in their careers, all people are is users and if they can use little kids to get what they want, they will.

Hi there! Please stop talking narrow-minded s**t about my family and the teachers that made my teenage years bearable, okay?

(Ever notice that this line of BS always seems to come with an unspoken "...except me." ?)

Now that's out the way, here's what I'd say to myself:

1: Observe a bit more, and don't be afraid to admit you don't know something or ask stupid questions.

2: Most of the people you're getting your idea of how to 'be normal' from are just as scared and clueless as you are.

3: Yeah, the acne scars on your body might look a bit odd, but nobody's going to comment on them at the swimming pool. They're probably just as worried you'll notice a flaw on their bodies.

5: You can admit you have AS without feeling embarrased about "making excuses".

6: Be careful about getting over-enthusiastic. If there's a chance you might offend someone, just check. It will get easier to tell this for yourself in time, so you won't have to do it for much longer.

7: The cute German girl you'll meet at the age of about 19? She is totally interested in you, even if you don't notice it.


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30 Jul 2007, 5:45 pm

Hi there! Please stop talking narrow-minded sh** about my family and the teachers that made my teenage years bearable, okay?

it's a forum where people post their oppinions, feel free to disagree, but don't expect to not read things you won't agree with.

(Ever notice that this line of BS always seems to come with an unspoken "...except me." ?)

well if I was a giver who didn't brag about it, how could I post about it without it being bragging ?
i would be using good deeds for self promotion at this forum if I did them and than posted about them at this online community.


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31 Jul 2007, 7:22 am

Kilroy wrote:
don't let those bastards get away with it!

I'd say "you are a beautiful and precious person"
"You've got brains honey but some people will get jealous and say you're dumb - don't listen to them"
"You're not a bad person if you get angry sometimes".

That's just a few.

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01 Aug 2007, 6:11 pm

Johnnie wrote:
Woman wrote:
Don't listen to your mom, don't listen to your dad, listen to your teachers, and trust your gut.

Occupation: Student/Substitute Teacher

nothing personal, but there is nothing different between parents and teachers, you might have some soft spot for teachers because you ran across one that took an interest in you, but most aren't any different than parents. NT's are self serving creatures who only care about themselves, parents want their kids to do good so they get a warm & fuzzy feeling that they did a good job as a parent, teachers are in it for the money and looking to advance in their careers, all people are is users and if they can use little kids to get what they want, they will.

I ain't ever heard of one teacher volunteering to work for free during the summer to help tutor kids that aren't doing good in school, not one single program going in the country where teachers from the burbs volunteer during the summer to help inner city kids get ahead or kids from the burbs who aren't doing good keep up.

Dude, I was stating what advice I would have given to myself - not to you or anyone else. My parents didn't know how to deal with me when times were rough. its no ones fault, just the way it was. In the same token, I was fortunate enough to have teachers who focused me on the task at hand, and truly helped me become who I am today. I really do beleive many of them were happy to help. As a result, I want to do the same for others.

As far as giving away free tutoring sessions, you need to step back and remember that teachers have lives, too. They need to feed their family, they need to further their career to give their kids good lives, hell, they need to pay rent, too. As I begin making contacts in surrounding schools, I have noticed teachers suggesting to students to stay after school for extra help. They invite it. And they do not get paid extra for this time. Do the kids come? Sometimes yes & sometimes no.
I used to be part of an after school program for the YMCA - I could have just let the kids struggle through their work or I could have told them, "Who cares about homework - just go play with the other kids". Instead, I would sit with them, figure it out, and reteach it. I would sit and drill the spelling words. I would help with the math. The aid is out there - unfortunately parents need to take time to find it.

I think it sucks that you don't believe in anyone, but I do.


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02 Aug 2007, 12:37 pm

so if i think it's bad advice you posted at a public forum I'm narrow minded ? the fact is you aren't just talking to yourself and that needs to be pointed out so some kid who reads your statement without a clue your parents are disfunctional don't take it the wrong way.

If you had started the sentance with something like 'because my parents where idiots" or something to that effect, you statement wouldn't be taken the wrong way by any of the young people reading this forum.

it's obvious your teachers weren't that great after all and you are self absorbed on top of it and didn't think about the young people at this online community. i made that mistake when I first started posting and quickly was corrected and now think when I post things about how will a 12 year old take it, exspecially at this forum with so many delicate youngsters here.

I have noticed teachers suggesting to students to stay after school for extra help. They invite it. And they do not get paid extra for this time.

They are on salary and don't even come close to working the number of hours normal people are required to work at their jobs a year. Considering the amount of wasted time during the school day, why should incompetant people be rewarded with extra pay for staying past the final bell to try an accomplish their jobs ?

If you hired a plumber that screwed off all day and made mistakes, would you think the idiot was some sort of hero for staying longer at the job and deserved extra pay ?


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02 Aug 2007, 2:23 pm

Johnnie wrote:
Considering the amount of wasted time during the school day, why should incompetant people be rewarded with extra pay for staying past the final bell to try an accomplish their jobs ?

If you hired a plumber that screwed off all day and made mistakes, would you think the idiot was some sort of hero for staying longer at the job and deserved extra pay ?

Someone's angry about something... :evil:


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02 Aug 2007, 6:28 pm

Pandora wrote:
Kilroy wrote:
don't let those bastards get away with it!

I'd say "you are a beautiful and precious person"
"You've got brains honey but some people will get jealous and say you're dumb - don't listen to them"
"You're not a bad person if you get angry sometimes".

That's just a few.

thank you... :oops: (are you talking about me or just in general)


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02 Aug 2007, 7:52 pm

Someone's angry about something...

got me, I don't subscibe to the psychic friends hotline, are you angry when you read the truth ?


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06 Aug 2007, 12:29 pm

I would show her a tremendous amount of love, to start with, because I know that's what she's craving more than anything else in the world.

I would tell her I'm proud of how she has handled the difficult life she's been forced to endure, because no one else will ever tell her that.

I would tell her to give up on trying to please her parents to gain their love. It's a losing battle!

I would stress the importance of not pinning all her hopes on ONE person's love.

I would tell her to trust an adult and beg them to help her change her home life. If that person doesn't listen, tell another and another, until someone finally helps. Never mind that her mother will hate her for the rest of her life. She's not going to have much of a mother, no matter what she does. [This would probably be the most difficult advice for me to give/receive. I still wonder if my life would have been better or worse if I had done this.]

I would make a HUGE point of telling her that the only way she's ever going to be truly happy is if she's confident in the fact that she can make her own way in the world, without the help of parents (Because, they won't ever be there for her) or a husband (He might stay around, but she'll live in fear of, "What if he leaves me.").

Finally, I would tell her to do her best to stay close to her childhood friends. They may be the only true friends she ever has. It's so much more difficult to make friends (verses, aquaintances) as an adult.


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18 Aug 2007, 7:53 pm

I wouldn't tell myself anything. I'm happy where I am now; maybe if I talked to my younger self I wouldn't be here now.

That being said, now that I'm here I'd like to go back and see a few things. My memory is hazy at best; I'd like to see how some things played out. There's so much I don't remember. But perhaps I'd regret that too. It's probably best that I stay where I am now and continue moving forward as I have been.

"Nothing worth having is easy."

Three years!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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19 Aug 2007, 12:07 pm

i say myself before i was born that i absolute don't wish to be born.