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16 May 2012, 11:17 am

Does an aspie get any more misunderstood than 'We don't want you to live here anymore'? Coming from family I see it as the ultimate in rejection, the ones that are supposed to have your back no matter what. I've had this happen a long time ago before over drug use, which is reasonable. But not when I've been struggling to make something of myself and experiencing a period of involuntary wheel spinning.

So as the chips fall at the moment, I'm back over at my dad's with my bike, lappy, meds, and a couple of bags of clothes. A customer just brought his machine to my mother's yesterday afternoon, I removed a few parts intending to start working on it what should have been now. It is sitting in the Red Queen's garage next to my tools, where I cannot quickly get to it. The guy gave me money for parts which I ended up having to spend in my flight for safety, my finances have been so screwed

So there's that, and then my bank account having my mother's name on it, she had me coopted onto the house mortgage in 2008 so my name is on that, and the fact that she has not given me a signed piece of paper telling me I have 30 days. When my dad picked me up she was making verbal threats to call Social Security and tell them I run an illegal business, which in reality is one of my interests that happens to garner me a little pocket change when things are good

As I look at my current surroundings, it may be possible to rescue my other belongings and store them but not use many of them. I don't imagine being able to work on bikes here but mostly I do house calls, so I have workarounds there. The upside to my whole state is I'll have time to spend with my dad in a more mature relationship, my stepmom is a sweetheart, and my full blown autie half-brother is the core of the household vibe, he is approaching 18 and becoming physical at times (which they've been working on) and the fact that I'm not the go-to drama source here is helping pull me out of suicidal land. Just right now I HATE sitting on tasks, time and productivity

But often I wonder how many of the homeless I see were marked from birth as victims of this kind of scene


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16 May 2012, 1:43 pm

Sorry you are having some problems, but hang in there. Glad you were able to turn to your dad and step mom. My mom was a hard person to deal with. She eventually divorced my father after about 25 years of marriage. About a year or two later he married a co-worker, and they have been married longer now, than my father and mother were married. My step mom had nothing to do with the divorce, and she is definitely easier to get along with, so I have no issues with her, other than my usual being uncomfortable around other people. She and my father are a better match than my mother and father were. I wish my parents had been a good match, but I don't begrudge my father and step mother that state.

Now, take some deep breathes and start dealing with things, one at a time, until you have cleared stuff up. And good luck! :D

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau


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16 May 2012, 3:37 pm

2wheels4ever wrote:
Does an aspie get any more misunderstood than 'We don't want you to live here anymore'? Coming from family I see it as the ultimate in rejection, the ones that are supposed to have your back no matter what. I've had this happen a long time ago before over drug use, which is reasonable. But not when I've been struggling to make something of myself and experiencing a period of involuntary wheel spinning.

So as the chips fall at the moment, I'm back over at my dad's with my bike, lappy, meds, and a couple of bags of clothes. A customer just brought his machine to my mother's yesterday afternoon, I removed a few parts intending to start working on it what should have been now. It is sitting in the Red Queen's garage next to my tools, where I cannot quickly get to it. The guy gave me money for parts which I ended up having to spend in my flight for safety, my finances have been so screwed

So there's that, and then my bank account having my mother's name on it, she had me coopted onto the house mortgage in 2008 so my name is on that, and the fact that she has not given me a signed piece of paper telling me I have 30 days. When my dad picked me up she was making verbal threats to call Social Security and tell them I run an illegal business, which in reality is one of my interests that happens to garner me a little pocket change when things are good

As I look at my current surroundings, it may be possible to rescue my other belongings and store them but not use many of them. I don't imagine being able to work on bikes here but mostly I do house calls, so I have workarounds there. The upside to my whole state is I'll have time to spend with my dad in a more mature relationship, my stepmom is a sweetheart, and my full blown autie half-brother is the core of the household vibe, he is approaching 18 and becoming physical at times (which they've been working on) and the fact that I'm not the go-to drama source here is helping pull me out of suicidal land. Just right now I HATE sitting on tasks, time and productivity

But often I wonder how many of the homeless I see were marked from birth as victims of this kind of scene

The thing you should be worried about, right now, is your mom telling SSI that you run an "illegal business". If they can show that you made money from your business that you didn't report, they can force you to repay tens of thousands of dollars in benefits, cut you off entirely, AND sic the IRS on you. I know lots of people on benefits run businesses for cash, but if they catch you there is usually hell to pay. The rules generally forbid making ANY money AT ALL while on benefits, which is stupid and only encourages dependency and learned helplessness. Maybe you can get your dad to calm her down.

Other than that, you need to get this guy's bike back to him, since you can't work on it, and return his money or maybe he'll be understanding and let you pay it back over time if he understands it was an emergency.

And yes, I bet that lots of people on the streets are mentally/neurologically/physically ill. Some mental illnesses like bipolar can be hard to deal with, and many times family members of such people will simply abandon them to their own devices, which is why America has loads of grungy people muttering to themselves in its downtowns.


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16 May 2012, 4:22 pm

I agree about learned helplessness and being forced to 'sneak around' and especially the fear of being harshly penalized. At the same time egg donor's son is commiting unemployment fraud, has been collecting unemployment, not applying for any jobs, and has a 'dog sitting' business - leaving everyone else to tend to his charges while he goes off to drink and smoke pot in his room, he will occasionally take them to the dog park for 20 minutes.

I can probably have the guy transport the bike back to his house and work on it there, which is what I do in lighter cases. I fled so abruptly I left my instruments and birds behind. Going back to claim my stuff after I figure where I want to be reminds me of what rape victims must feel like in court when the perpetrator says he has a right to face and question his accuser


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17 May 2012, 11:55 am

2wheels4ever wrote:
I agree about learned helplessness and being forced to 'sneak around' and especially the fear of being harshly penalized. At the same time egg donor's son is commiting unemployment fraud, has been collecting unemployment, not applying for any jobs, and has a 'dog sitting' business - leaving everyone else to tend to his charges while he goes off to drink and smoke pot in his room, he will occasionally take them to the dog park for 20 minutes.

I can probably have the guy transport the bike back to his house and work on it there, which is what I do in lighter cases. I fled so abruptly I left my instruments and birds behind. Going back to claim my stuff after I figure where I want to be reminds me of what rape victims must feel like in court when the perpetrator says he has a right to face and question his accuser

Take your dad and/or stepmom with you when you go back for your tools-your mom likely won't go off if they're there.


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02 Jun 2012, 1:28 am

pezar wrote:
2wheels4ever wrote:
Does an aspie get any more misunderstood than 'We don't want you to live here anymore'? Coming from family I see it as the ultimate in rejection, the ones that are supposed to have your back no matter what. I've had this happen a long time ago before over drug use, which is reasonable. But not when I've been struggling to make something of myself and experiencing a period of involuntary wheel spinning.

So as the chips fall at the moment, I'm back over at my dad's with my bike, lappy, meds, and a couple of bags of clothes. A customer just brought his machine to my mother's yesterday afternoon, I removed a few parts intending to start working on it what should have been now. It is sitting in the Red Queen's garage next to my tools, where I cannot quickly get to it. The guy gave me money for parts which I ended up having to spend in my flight for safety, my finances have been so screwed

So there's that, and then my bank account having my mother's name on it, she had me coopted onto the house mortgage in 2008 so my name is on that, and the fact that she has not given me a signed piece of paper telling me I have 30 days. When my dad picked me up she was making verbal threats to call Social Security and tell them I run an illegal business, which in reality is one of my interests that happens to garner me a little pocket change when things are good

As I look at my current surroundings, it may be possible to rescue my other belongings and store them but not use many of them. I don't imagine being able to work on bikes here but mostly I do house calls, so I have workarounds there. The upside to my whole state is I'll have time to spend with my dad in a more mature relationship, my stepmom is a sweetheart, and my full blown autie half-brother is the core of the household vibe, he is approaching 18 and becoming physical at times (which they've been working on) and the fact that I'm not the go-to drama source here is helping pull me out of suicidal land. Just right now I HATE sitting on tasks, time and productivity

But often I wonder how many of the homeless I see were marked from birth as victims of this kind of scene

The thing you should be worried about, right now, is your mom telling SSI that you run an "illegal business". If they can show that you made money from your business that you didn't report, they can force you to repay tens of thousands of dollars in benefits, cut you off entirely, AND sic the IRS on you. I know lots of people on benefits run businesses for cash, but if they catch you there is usually hell to pay. The rules generally forbid making ANY money AT ALL while on benefits, which is stupid and only encourages dependency and learned helplessness. Maybe you can get your dad to calm her down.

Other than that, you need to get this guy's bike back to him, since you can't work on it, and return his money or maybe he'll be understanding and let you pay it back over time if he understands it was an emergency.

And yes, I bet that lots of people on the streets are mentally/neurologically/physically ill. Some mental illnesses like bipolar can be hard to deal with, and many times family members of such people will simply abandon them to their own devices, which is why America has loads of grungy people muttering to themselves in its downtowns.

Considering the fact that throwing water on your mom may not make her melt, I would have a nice little chat with the local police. Explain that your mother is a bit unstable and all you want is your belongings back. They can escort you to get them. Lastly, as a law student and tax professional, being self-employed only enough to make pocket-change is not illegal unless you deal with contraband (i.e. drugs). But, as my learned collegue has cited supra, if you are making boo-koo bucks, that can be very problematic. Three things: 1) Get out and stay out. 2) Cease all contact indefinately. Don't continue to pet a dog that bites you. 3) Obtain info from SSI on extra income limitations so that you know what you can do and can't do. It may be that you may be required to file a tax return. A social worker can help you check into this for free.


Supporter of the Brian Terry Foundation @ Special Agent Brian Terry (1970-2010) was murdered as a direct result of Operation Fast & Furious - which Barry O won't discuss - wonder why?