ASS-P wrote:
...Maybe I tend to " rock back and forth "...maybe . Is that " stimming " ?????????
Rocking is considered to be a very common form of stimming, yes.
I've been learning a lot about my stimming too, in the past few months to a year. So it seems like it's increased for me, but I think this is attributed to two things:
1. Coming to understand what stimming is and learning to realize/notice when I'm doing it, and
2. Based on that new-ish knowledge, realizing how much it helps me cope and thus allowing myself to do things more that I previously wouldn't have done.
I've always noticed that I've done things like rubbing my hands/arms/etc, pressing my ears in response to noises, rocking, tapping patterns, and other things like that. I just never saw anyone else doing these things, so I assumed they were abnormal and tried to suppress them for no good reason. I certainly couldn't find a logical reason for doing them. Now that I understand why I do it, I can think to myself, "hey, I'm stressed out," and I know to start rocking or rubbing in order to make myself feel better before I get too overwhelmed. And I don't try to stop it anymore, either. I guess being aware of my coping mechanisms makes them more effective?
Well anyway. Maybe you're stimming more because of a new stressor, maybe you're just learning more about your stimming. I'm still learning about it so I can only really relate to the latter. The thought of flapping with a butter knife in your hand is really funny, though.