i never feel the sense of loneliness, isolation perhaps but I am weening myself off the web this last year after an intense six years since we first got this machine, and more and more into books; i read mostly in the kitchen in my folding chair, or in the garden among the birds and plants i have nurtured, the light is good in the kitchen (or at the top of the stairs bathed in evening light) and its away from the association with this time wasting device called a computer. . my 'social life' tends to be out in the wild open landscape in all weathers, not with people but just to be out there in an incredible 'atmosphere' .. there is so much that is so unique round here, secrets to learn, as in fact I have, the landscape itself is my companion, friend, inspiration. Most humans i encounter fail woefully compared to this. I've a cute dog too, he gets me lots of chance conversations, but all I know fine well will never lead to anything, I'm quite gifted actually and more importantly 'am interested' and so theres seldom anyone on my true wavelength and generally act a meeker more humble version of myself to ease the situation along. the real me can be quite dismissive, tho i hide this.
So, it seems I have found happiness !
actually, married yes but no kids, I suffered hellishly as a kid and would not put anyone thro the hell of school. same goes with trying to earn a living, precarious to say the least and thirty years ago went self employed so as not to be among the s**t of others. Again, this makes me happy. Some well meaning but totally off -target individual recently suggested I play sport ! !! .... bah humbug!!... ditto 'socialise'...... jeez .... I can do neither and are a rapid fall into frustration,depression and anger, at 54 I know what I am talking about ! !
btw .. certain foods regulate my moods, at 54 i appear to becoming intolerant of beer, hence now the nightly two bottles are being stopped after thirty years. less pain in the morning and less malancholic the morning after, getting sick of thet 'hungover' feeling.
red wine has always been a no-no ..depresses me bigtime, as also seafoods, shell fish and oysters can make me v angry.
for less pain eliminate potatos, toms and bell peppers ie the nightshade family.
and cod liver oil probably seems to help my disordered brain.
And where were Docs and suchlike professionals in all this ... way far behind ....