btbnnyr wrote:
OP, keep far away from poison. It won't kill the birds, as less at it kills mice, but it will kill the cats who find the birds and rodents an easy prey. Moreover, think just a moment about where poison finally ends up -- in drinking water and then in food, even vegan food. Every bit of poison man throws out will finally come back and land upon their own plates.
After all, what's the fuss all about? A few crows. Consider you were living near an airport or railway track. That's what I call noise.
I'm not going to use poison, that would be idiotic. There are so many ducks over here, it would be genocide
And seriously, I live next to the busiest canal in
the whole wide worldAnd then there is this airforce base Apache and Chinook helicopters need to fly to every day on a low altitude, so I know enough about noises.
Crows are more annoying than any of them, its pure psychological. You know when a boat or helicopter is coming the sound is bad for a couple of seconds and than it goes away. But crows make those noises completely random. Your trying to sleep, and you know that animal outside is going to hurt your ears in a few seconds. And then again, and again. But you can never hear it coming, its the randomness that makes me insane. It's difficult to explain, but I think this is how Chinese Watertorture works.
I can't use BB-gun, because I don't live in America but in a country with the most severe anti-gun laws ever. Can't even own a see-through plastic BB-gun..
And for a water-gun. The tree is to far away, I can't even walk to it because it stands on a stand-alone dyke and the nearest bridge is 2 blocks away.
Think I'll try scaring them using the "yelling-through-the-can" technicue. And if that doesn't work I'll put a coin in it and rattle with the can or something. And if that doesn't work I'll give the damn animals a can-bombardment from which they will never recover.
Thanks for the help guys.