Does anyone else ever just feel lost? Ive been told that I'm mature for my age, but not mature enough to live on my own.
Most people my age(ASDers AND NT's) don't work/ don't go to school, and usually are in successful relationships. If they do go to work its usually full time, and they aren't going to school(College), and if they are going to College they usually don't work. Most of them usually live on campus and have their parents pay for their schooling and or pay for their rent somewhat(if they are living by themselves or with someone else).
Well I work, and go to school, but I don't drive(have a learners permit), am not in a relationship, and my parents still have to help me with chores and stuff around the house. I feel lost, especially since I pay my parents rent, work, and go to school, but I need help in soo many other areas that most Adults my age don't need help in(like i need help with chores/paying rent/bills/transporation/feeding myself/no relationship), but I'm ahead in other areas like adults who are over 30+(I work various hours no problem, help teach students as well as be a student myself, I 'attempt' to take care of the house).