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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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15 Jan 2014, 5:34 am


my whole life is being governed by one problem I have:

For the life of me, I cannot commit to do boring tasks. They make me anxious and panicky, and I avoid them as much as possible.

At night, when distraction from sound and light is at an minimum it is much easier for me, but I am living a day life nowadays. (Or better: trying to.)

Doing the dishes, cleaning the house, going for a walk, having a boring conversation, even just waiting somewhere, these things are so difficult for me and afterwards I am very exhausted.
It was also one my major problems in school.

It is about mental stimulation. I can do everything that provides me with some mental stimulation, otherwise the panic/anxiety begins rising and when it spills over I will be in a bad place for days.

Any contribution to this topic is appreciated, I really could use some new perspective on how to handle this. Trying to beat it with brute force is not working, I have tried for 26 years now and I just cannot do it no more.


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15 Jan 2014, 6:02 am

that's soooo me :)

I'm 32, and I still don't understand "why" I just can't do anything without (strong) stimulations : my best guest it's that what is real autism :)

two things :

I use a visual planning with pictograms (PECS). Each day, I've a different chore to do (I don't do them each time, but, I do somes, and it's better than nothing). Even if visual planning look childish, try it. It'll help you with time and with "stuff to do". (it's some sort of super-to-do-list with pictures. great :) )

Ask for help : I don't know how that works overseas, but here (france), I'll be help by educators/occupational therapists to organize my flat and my time (I will tell you more in some month about it). They even can help to do chores, help to go to the supermarket or university, with papers ... actually, there are here to stimulate you to do "normal" things :)

I know it's hard for aspies to ask for help : we prefer to do everything by ourselves. could you try ?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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15 Jan 2014, 6:56 am

Thanks for the advice. PECS sounds really great, have to look into that.
I'm from Germany, and have already asked for help but waiting time is long. It will be year before I get my proper diagnosis, sigh, even though it is just a formality at this point. Stupid bureaucracy.

Yeah, asking for help is tough, but I am starting. :D


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15 Jan 2014, 2:37 pm

I would commit suicide if I ever had to work on an assembly line.

But it's not just the boring stuff. I have a nightmare time dealing with any task that causes me anxiety. I'm putting off an important phone call right now. The thought of doing it is making me sick, but the anxiety of putting it off is killing me, too. If I put it off long enough, it might go away, but then I will be an @$$h0le for not doing it.:eew:


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15 Jan 2014, 3:11 pm

that's why I use tools like my planning and ask for help. the purprose is to (be) organize(d)* enough to lower the anxiety (it's impossible to avoid it), and, so, get the tasks done.

* to have planned the task ?

you're right : it's not just about boring taks or an assembly line job :) it's about everything we are not used, everything we dislike :-P


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15 Jan 2014, 3:12 pm

Willard wrote:
I would commit suicide if I ever had to work on an assembly line.

But it's not just the boring stuff. I have a nightmare time dealing with any task that causes me anxiety. I'm putting off an important phone call right now. The thought of doing it is making me sick, but the anxiety of putting it off is killing me, too. If I put it off long enough, it might go away, but then I will be an @$$h0le for not doing it.:eew:

You present a mirror to my psyche...

All of this, and it's a pain.

Some boring domestic stuff, like dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc. I can do by systematizing the process and then sort of running that as a background task will I put my attention on an interesting podcast.

Phone calls and anxiety producing stuff can induce panic attacks and suicidal ideation. Really, really hard to overcome. This is one of the aspects of this thing that I will freely admit is a disability.

Damn and blast it.


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15 Jan 2014, 9:59 pm

Executive Function deficits rearing it's ugly head again.

My brother in law gave me a data entry job where I had to copy and paste thousands of names, addresses etc. Despite telling myself I needed to stay away from Wrong Planet during the assignment I kept on coming here every 1/2 hour or hour. I put a block on this website and YouTube. That worked for a day or two then until I started goggling Aspergers and reading blogs.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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15 Jan 2014, 11:46 pm

When I have to do anything mundane, I find that it helps to listen to music or a podcast if the task allows, or try and focus on something else mentally. The partial detachment is like a tether to a less anxious state.

Also, having a schedule and order to things helps immensely. If I go grocery shopping without a location-linear list, I'll circle around the place for an hour getting more anxious as I go.

I hate phone calls, too. There's nothing we can do about it yet, but at least more and more communication is becoming non-verbal.


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16 Jan 2014, 11:31 pm

Interesting. I've always considered my lack of willpower and motivation to having been inwardly flattened out due to depression. Never thought it could be due to my autism.


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17 Jan 2014, 11:15 am

Willard wrote:
I would commit suicide if I ever had to work on an assembly line.

But it's not just the boring stuff. I have a nightmare time dealing with any task that causes me anxiety. I'm putting off an important phone call right now. The thought of doing it is making me sick, but the anxiety of putting it off is killing me, too. If I put it off long enough, it might go away, but then I will be an @$$h0le for not doing it.:eew:

The couple of assembly lines I worked on, I was able to entertain myself by singing any folk song, holiday song, or marching song I could think of. With my terrible singing voice I annoyed the hell out of the people working around me.


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17 Jan 2014, 2:42 pm

I can definitely relate. Some things that help me (most of which others have already mentioned):

1. Challenge It - I ask myself "Is this really something that needs to be done for a good reason (e.g. health or money), or is it just something that is culturally expected?" I often find that I beat myself up for not doing things that have no reason to be done other than because of some externally imposed "Should". E.g. daily bed-making.

2. Music - Gives me something enjoyable to focus on while doing the unenjoyable.

3. Timer - I get a kitchen timer, set it for 10 minutes, and tell myself that I will just make myself do it for 10 minutes only. Or 5 minutes, or 1 minute - the amount of time doesn't matter so much. I then give myself permission to proclaim "Screw It!" on that project until the next day. Some small progress is better than none.

"Righteous indignation is best left to those who are better able to handle it." - Bill W.


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17 Jan 2014, 2:46 pm

Marky9 wrote:
3. Timer - I get a kitchen timer, set it for 10 minutes, and tell myself that I will just make myself do it for 10 minutes only. Or 5 minutes, or 1 minute - the amount of time doesn't matter so much. I then give myself permission to proclaim "Screw It!" on that project until the next day. Some small progress is better than none.

the timer is really usefull ! everybody (almost) own one in their (smart)phone. Best tool ever :)


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20 Jan 2014, 6:51 pm

I can't do boring task either. Not because of anxiety, but because of the sheer boredom. At least not eight hours a day, which prevent me to get a job as most jobs are about tasks I consider boring.


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03 Feb 2014, 8:47 am

Because you are a human being


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04 Feb 2014, 6:36 am

Cafeaulait wrote:
Because you are a human being

I was wondering about that too. As far as I gather all human beings hate mundane tasks. No one likes doing the dishes or dusting or tidying up, but they force themselves to do it because it needs done.

Sometimes I think that our sensitivities to sensory things can make mundane tasks that everyone hates expecially difficult for us. I hate doing the dishes because I can't stand the sensation of having wet hands and I really have to force myself through that. Another person would not like dishes because it's boring and force themselves through the boredom to get it done.

On the other hand. I actually enjoy data entry. I get into a routine and listen to music and just plow through it.

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04 Feb 2014, 7:37 am

I have an old PC or notebook in almost every room. This allows me to watch movies or TV while cleaning the dishes, cooking, folding laundry, changing the bed sheets, or working out. I've made it a personal rule to never watch TV / movies while I'm sitting at my (main) PC, so if I want to see a newly downloaded episode of one of my favorite shows, I have to get up and do something useful. If I don't have any chores to do, I just use my stationary bicycle for the time being. Most of the time I manage to adhere to this rule.