No, I get it. I really do.
This type of thing has set off panic attacks that were the cause of my getting a panic disorder diagnosis. It is shameful and humiliating because you know that you are smart enough to see that it should not happen and it SOUNDS simple to get around. But it is anything but.
I just went through it with a paperwork problem at work. I had a problem I did not know how to solve and got hung up on it. The people who might have helped me were on vacation or maternity leave and so I got stuck. Since that stopped my process and routine it broke completely and as a result I got 11 months behind in these forms!
Finally I had the right conversation with someone and developed a procedure to fix it and then applied that over the next three days and it was over. But it could have cost me my job and the initial cause was so stupid.
It's easy to get deep in self hatred or recrimination over those kinds of issues. At its worst you may have panic, depression even suicidal ideation.
But all that drama gets you nowhere. It doesn't help.
The problem is poor executive function and no amount of good intention or willpower will overcome it. It's not your fault. You are guilty of nothing. There is little that you can do about it directly. The only thing is to out maneuver it.
Thnk of it as a fortified enemy position you can't take in a frontal assault You have to go around. Later, when you have all the territory behind this obstacle and their supplies stop coming, they will surrender without a fight. But you have to go around.
Use the distress you are feeling now to fuel a search for methods to go around. And then push on. Don't get hung up on the drama of what you just went through. It's a shi**y deal that you have this issue, but you do. So the thing is to make the most of your situation in full awareness of the problem.
Good luck
Last edited by Adamantium on 23 May 2014, 9:12 am, edited 2 times in total.