johnners wrote:
Occasionally I try to impose a routine on myself: have a morning routine for example, but somehow it just feels false and I end up just drifting again.
My suggestion is to use a smartphone or software on your computer to notify you of the points in your schedule through the day.
Also, form up interests and enterprises of all kinds into projects with structure. That means describing in writing what the project is intended to achieve and roughing out a timeline for achieving those goals. To make things work you then need to identify milestones or intermediate targets needed to complete the overall project goal, and specific next actions to take.
It maybe that you get stuck because you don't know what to do next. The next action in this case is: find out from the web or a person what do next.
Once you have a list of things to do and specific times in which to do it and maintaining these lists and schedules is part of the routine you impose on yourself, it will be easier not to just drift.
Good luck.