You'll have to move somewhere where the cost of living is lower, like anywhere but California.
You'll also have to look for subsidized housing (some apartments cover water & trash utilities in your rent), apply for HUD assistance (waiting list), and SNAP (food stamps) and locate the food banks in your neighborhood. You won't be able to afford a vehicle, even an old one that's paid for, because you won't be able to keep it insured.
Hope you like Ramen noodles and generic hot dogs, 'cause those will be the central staple of your grocery list.
There may also be agencies locally who assist those with limited incomes with utility bills, but you usually have to apply for those month by month, first come, first served until they run out of funding.
You can work part-time under certain circumstances without affecting your SSI, but any money you make will affect HUD, SNAP and most other forms of assistance, so in the long run, you won't benefit from working at all, except to get out of the house and keep busy. You are not allowed to ever have more than $2000 in assets on hand at any given time. Once you're on the dole, they want you to STAY on the dole. Start making money to better your situation and you will be penalized.