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Joined: 13 Sep 2011
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23 Mar 2018, 7:20 am

Long story short, I had a psychological evaluation done two years ago for my ASD so I could get accommodations where I go to school along with qualifying for special transportation privileges for people with disabilities. I attempted to go through a non-profit organization as well. Long story short:
1. The non-profit was only able to make one payment while dropping the ball and having a lack of communication with both the psychologist and
2. I was stuck with this big bill for a year which I struggled to pay off until a family member was able to help
3.I found out that the psychologist wanted to charge us just to prepare the report and changed her story at least three times on what we would owe for that. I got upset and gave a bad review in realizing that this clinic nickled and dimed them for everything.

Flash forward several months later, my transportation needs expired while I needed some things for social security so I went back to that psychologist to get those documents and a few things filled out not thinking there was a problem. Though she said she would help, I got a nasty email from her about how after we had worked together, I had refused to pay (Which was not true) and that most people in her position would refuse to help me for causing the amount of trouble that I did. Yet, she never had the courtesy to tell me before.