I love montana; born and raised here, but it doesn't like me. I have asthma and 40 below does not make for good bronchial health. I am usually housebound 6-8 weeks out of the year. Nebulizer, steroids, the whole spiel. Sucks... It wouldn't be so bad, but I have stock to feed, and when it is cold is when they really need me out there. Plus if something goes wrong in that weather, I'm really up a creek.
So, we decide to move to a climate I do better in (humid, warm, and sea level). My husband gets a great job offer. The pay is awesome, but it was a long way away (SC), but we were working on getting things squared away to go. We hadn't quite figured out if we could afford that move, (so we hadn't committed yet) when his job here makes him an even better offer to stay.
So now...
Don't move=winter wheeze, but better off financially.
Move=healthier, but big change (scary) and less money.
Sorry if TMI but I'm in a quandry. Need to vent. Any advice would be great.
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
-Walt Whitman