Probably not, from what you have said here, so far. But try to see it from the other tenant's perspective, being contacted frequently about the same issue. It probably does seem like harassment to them.
In future it might be better if you contacted the landlord first, rather than the tenant. Landlords deal with complaints all the time, but tenants, not so much. You never know when you will be approaching a hothead and they will get worked up over it.
When you meet with the landlord, you might ask if a quieter unit in the same complex is coming open soon. Your (and your child's) sensitivity to noise is no doubt a hardship to you - I certainly have similar issues. But there can be better and worse ways of resolving the problem. Have a "pre-meeting" with your case manager, in which you take maybe 5 minutes ahead of the meeting to predict how the meeting will go and what approach you will take.
Whatever you do, don't try to assert what a jerk the other tenant is. There is every possibility they won't seem like the jerk - you will.
A finger in every pie.