Joe90 wrote:
Also I've been a regular member on WP for the WHOLE of my 20s. Wow. Where's all that time gone?
happy anniversary! ha
everyone i have ever talked to about this subject, says that at this point in one's life, the passage of time starts to accelerate more and more and it does not let up. i know it won't always be feasible, but i implore you to seek out as many new experiences as possible, meet new people, go to new places, etc etc
if you can and want to of course
you can't slow down time, but you can make the time that does pass more memorable and worthwhile. i will be 23 in under a month and am starting to notice the clock spinning faster myself.
people in their 80s have reported the "middle" of their life, with regards to the feeling of time past, to be in their mid 20s rather than their 40s. this is not to freak you out but maybe you will be better off with the information?
take care
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