JustFoundHere wrote:
The 'In Depth Adult Life Forum' can serve as a forum for asking those difficult questions (and maybe getting answers -- to those diffuclt questions).
As adults on the Autism Spectrum become well....older and wiser, the questions of support systems must be reassessed the roles of fiduciaries, trusted people in our lives - as well as those agendas that have proven ineffective.
Judging from the lack of respones to my previous WP posts (to read my previous posts click on blue text 'JustFoundHere') I sense that I'm that rare peropsn asking those difficult questions, yet receiving no answers.
I must be ask, "are more madn more adults on teh Autism Spectrum "giving-up' as they get older? What are these aversions to taking proactive, proven steps to assist with both present and future agendas??
Have you tried asking in the general autism discussion forum. There's a lot more activity in there.
We have existence