Disclaimer: This is about my dad, a few years from retirement age.
I'm convinced he has a form of Asperger's. He managed to get by so far, but since I understand him much better now, certain things have become a lot more obvious to me.
He does not keep order anywhere, especially in the house, he just leaves things in all places. It has driven my mum mad, and it certainly has a bad effect and influence on us kids, let alone on himself. I don't wanna know how often she has told him about it, and tried to change him, to no avail. He doesn't react well to such advise, I think partly because he instinctively knows it's wrong, but just resigned over the fact that he has always struggled with it, and never managed it. How can we approach him over this topic, minimising negative repercussions? Is it hopeless, that late in a life?
He is also chronically overweight, eats extremely unhealthy things in very autistic ways. How can we try to change those habits? Which forms of external help could be useful? Is it possible to visit doctors, or similar things, on his behalf?
I suspect he has a major depression now, too, while I realise that I can also do much harm, I hope that it's not too late for positive change.