paolo wrote:
I certainly did not mean an enforced segregation. But there are many for,s of self segregation like Chinamen in Chinatowns all over the world with some form of pidgin to communicate with strangers. Same for less closed ethnicities like Italians in the Us (“little Italies”), Jews in America ghettoes, Magrebins in French cities. But communication in pidgin is limited to business.
As for believing in friendship, apparently friendship exists but it’s out of my reach at least with normal people, and probably that’s true for most people posting here.
Anyhow self segragation is only an hypothesis.
There is noting wrong with different cultures. However when there is near total segregation it has been the cause of tensions.
In in china towns while there may be a language barrier for some, the reason why it work is for many of them there is no language barrier at all, and those that do they or their dependence will eventually learn the language. Also these areas are constantly changing. What used to be the Jewish quarter in London is now mostly Bangladeshi.
They are interesting places don't get me wrong. I love being near tooting which has lots of Asian shops. They can do business well, most of them can can communicate well enough are very social. They seek business and interaction. It is also not as limited business as you might think and that gets eroded over time as they spread out. I'm not sure where the parallel is for autism.
Self segregation is avoidance. It has it's advantages but it doesn't sound as if it meets your needs entirely.